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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 122

Chapter 122: Sudden Explosion

"Let's go." Patrick gave Jones a cold glance, signaling him to lead the way.

The group quickly arrived at Factory One.

"Who is in charge of raw material procurement?" Patrick flipped through the documents Jones handed him, asking.

Jones replied, "It's Martha Grace. She is responsible for the unified procurement of all raw materials from the French side."

"All raw materials are purchased by her?" Jane looked up at Jones, her eyebrows slightly furrowed. "If it's a procurement issue, why is only Factory One affected?"

"Martha is an old employee and has always been in charge of procurement. I don't think it's her fault." Jones raised his mouth slightly, dismissing the idea.

Jane nodded, "Where is Martha? I'd like to meet her."

Jones made a call to Martha, "Martha, come to my office."

Ten minutes later, a medium-sized, slightly chubby middle-aged woman with curly hair walked in.

"Martha, Mr. Pansy and Miss North are here," Jones smiled faintly at Martha, saying, "They want to understand the issues with the 'Ice and Fire' raw material procurement."

Jones introduced Martha to Patrick and Jane, "This is Martha, and you can ask her about any issues related to raw material procurement."

Martha looked apologetically at Patrick, "I'm sorry, Mr. Pansy. If there's a problem with the raw materials, I take full responsibility. But I can assure you that the materials I procure are fine, and all processes are carried out according to the company's standards."

Patrick asked in a deep voice, "Where are these raw materials purchased from?"

Martha brought the procurement contracts and explained to Patrick, "All raw materials from the French side are purchased from these three companies. We have been cooperating with these three companies for over three years, and we have never had problems before."

"When the raw materials were purchased, were they subjected to random inspections?" Jane lowered her eyes, looked at the procurement contracts, and asked.

"Yes, all processes comply with the standards," Martha confidently stated.

"Alright, I understand. Martha, you can go back to work," Patrick looked through the documents, then glanced at Martha, saying.

Martha nodded respectfully, "Okay, Mr. Pansy. I'll go back now. If you need anything, feel free to find me."

As Martha left, Jane's gaze fell on the documents in Patrick's hands. "Any issues?"

Patrick frowned slightly and said coldly to Jones, "I need a list of everyone who can access the raw materials."

"Okay, I'll have someone compile it right away." Jones quickly arranged for the list to be brought.

People who could access the raw materials included warehouse staff, transportation, and production workers. All had the opportunity to handle the raw materials and tamper with them.

Staring at the dozens of names on the list, Patrick contemplated for a moment. He then spoke in a low voice, "Where are the problematic raw materials now?"

Jones looked out the window, "They are in that warehouse over there."

"Only the materials in that one warehouse are problematic?" Jane followed Jones' gaze to several warehouses lined up.

Jones gave Jane a positive answer, "Yes."

Patrick's eyes hardened, "Let's go to the warehouse."

The warehouse for storing raw materials is located a few dozen meters away from the factory, and usually, transport workers deliver the materials to the factory for production.

In other words, there might be a problem during transportation.

"The warehouse is over there," Jones pointed to the nearby warehouse, leading the way.

Jane and Patrick walked behind Jones.

When they were almost at the warehouse, Jones's phone suddenly rang.

Apologizing slightly, he said, "Mr. Pansy, I'm sorry, I need to take this call."


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