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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 73

Chapter 73: Give Me Five Minutes

"Yes," Jane nodded resolutely.

"As Pansy Group's spokesperson, upholding strong moral standards is of utmost importance. We would never consider keeping someone with such poor ethical values as our spokesperson. Therefore, on behalf of Pansy Group, I hereby declare the termination of our contract with you."

Annie looked at Bruce with pleading eyes, knowing he was her last hope. "Honey, please say something. You know how much I've dreamed of being Pansy Group's spokesperson. You promised me. Please keep your word."

Realizing that Bruce was her only ally, Annie's hope rested on his response.

However, witnessing Annie's remorseless demeanor, Bruce's disappointment was palpable. He replied somberly, "I gave you a chance, but your actions were disgraceful. You must face the consequences. I can't help you."

Bruce turned and walked out of the studio, wanting nothing more to do with Annie.

"Wait for me, honey!" Annie rushed to catch up with Bruce, but Jane intercepted her.

"Annie, don't you think you owe me an apology for what just happened?"

"Apologize? To you?" Annie's rage flared, her fists clenched. She couldn't believe that Jane expected her to apologize after causing her public humiliation. No way!

Just as Annie was about to respond, two stern voices, one belonging to Patrick and the other to Osborn, rang out in unison, "Apologize to Jane!"

Annie's expression shifted as she wondered why everyone seemed to be defending Jane and not her. She had already alienated Bruce, and she couldn't afford to antagonize Patrick and Osborn too.

Annie turned to Jane and, through gritted teeth, reluctantly muttered, "I'm sorry. Can I leave now?"

But Jane remained unmoved. "Please take off the dress."

Annie shot her a venomous glare before trudging to the fitting room, where she reluctantly removed the dress.

Once disrobed, she hurried to catch up with Bruce. "Honey, please wait for me!"

Hearing her voice, Bruce paused, but his disappointment was evident. "Annie, I'm deeply disappointed by what you've done."

Annie, unable to deny her actions any longer, pleaded for forgiveness. "I didn't mean to do it. I don't know what came over me."

But Bruce remained unmoved, casting a cold glance at her. "Let's break up, Annie."

"What? Break up? You can't be serious!" Annie was in shock. She couldn't believe that Bruce wanted to end their relationship. It had to be a mistake. "Bruce, this is a joke, right?"

Bruce's stern expression told her it was no joke. "I'm not kidding."

"No, I won't let us break up!" Annie couldn't accept this. She had worked tirelessly to become Bruce's girlfriend, and she couldn't just let it end like this. "Annie, you know I don't appreciate people pestering me," Bruce said with a frown.

"Why? Is it because of Jane?" Annie's eyes burned with jealousy and resentment. "You need to reflect on your own actions. This has nothing to do with anyone else," Bruce replied dispassionately, shaking off Annie's hand and walking away.

Staring at Bruce's retreating figure, Annie felt utterly despondent. It was all Jane's fault. She was the cause of all this. If it weren't for Jane, Bruce would never have broken up with her. Annie clenched her fists, her nails digging into her skin as she vowed to herself, "I won't let this go, Jane!"

Meanwhile, still in the studio, Jane unexpectedly sneezed.

"Are you alright?" Patrick asked with concern, taking off his suit jacket and draping it over her shoulders. "Be careful not to catch a cold."


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