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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 92

Chapter 92: Patrick Is A Good Guy

Stunned, Melissa pursed her lips and reluctantly admitted, "Maybe my eyes played tricks on me."

The video Patrick had shown exposed the truth and revealed Melissa's lie. Jane couldn't help but add a touch of sarcasm, "Did your eyes deceive your classmate as well? Perjury is a crime, Melissa, and it can lead to detention, among other repercussions."

"I said my eyes deceived me!" Melissa yelled, desperation in her gaze as she turned to Patrick for help.

But Patrick paid her no heed and held Jane's hand. "Let's go."

Jane and Patrick left the ward hand in hand, leaving Melissa envious and frustrated.

As they entered the elevator, Patrick glanced at Jane with admiration. "Your performance today exceeded my expectations."

Jane smiled, teasing, "Did you expect me to be a pushover?"

Patrick grinned, shaking his head. "No."

"Thank you for what you did," Jane expressed her gratitude. She didn't anticipate that Patrick would stand up for her and unearth such crucial evidence that exposed Monica's lies.

But Patrick reminded her, "I promised to protect you."

His voice was enticing and slightly seductive, making Jane involuntarily lean closer. However, a hint of disappointment flickered in Patrick's eyes. Did she intend to keep her distance? Did she have no feelings for him, considering what he had done for her? Patrick's expression grew cold, and the air in the elevator turned tense.

Just then, Jane's phone rang. It was her grandfather calling.

"Grandpa, why are you calling all of a sudden?" Jane answered.

Her grandfather's laughter echoed through the phone. "I saw what happened on TV today. Patrick is a good guy, and he's protecting you."

Jane was slightly embarrassed. Her grandfather's voice was so loud that Patrick might have overheard. Her grandfather continued with enthusiasm, "You've been spending a lot of time with him for almost a month now. How are you two? When will I get to attend your wedding?"

"Grandpa, what are you talking about?" Jane blushed.

"Come on! This guy is talented, handsome, capable, and worthy of you," her grandfather praised Patrick.

"Grandpa, I have to go now," Jane hurriedly ended the call.


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