Julia had toyed with the idea of one last visit to her parents. However, she just did not have the guts.
That was exactly why her anger at Evangeline burned even hotter. She blamed Evangeline for wrecking her entire life!
Evangeline was so enraged that she was at a loss for words.
She finally understood that she and Julia were way past the point of talking things out.
"Julia, let's face it, the past is done. My dad and your mom are in heaven now. There's no point in us fussing over their old troubles.
"You're after Walter, right? Well, here's the straight truth. My marriage to Walter has been dead in the water for ages. I only decided to have this kid because my grandfather got sick. And the only reason we haven't signed those divorce papers is because of him."
She took a deep breath and forced herself to get it all out. That was the last thing Evangeline wanted to admit, but she had no choice.
She had to make it crystal clear that she and Walter were history, that she would never be Julia's love rival again. That was the only way she and her baby might make it out okay.
However, what Evangeline did not realize was that her words felt like a slap in the face to Julia.
Walter had cut Evangeline out of his life, but he still would not give Julia the time of day. That was the harsh, undeniable truth.
Julia stared at the honest look on Evangeline's face and wanted to rip it to shreds. However, she did not.
Evangeline was right where Julia wanted her, and there was no need to rush. Julia had all the time in the world to decide her next move…
Out of nowhere, a chilly hand touched Evangeline's cheek. She jerked her head up and locked eyes with Julia, who was smirking like she knew a secret joke.
"You know, Evangeline, you got one thing right—I'm still crazy about Walter."
If Walter decided right then that he wanted to be with her forever, she would give up anything. Anything at all.
The readers' comments on the novel: Unmasking the Heiress (Evangeline and Walte)
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