Julia was the one tied up with a necktie, but Walter was the one who felt like he was in knots.
"You're lying! She can't be dead!"
Walter's eyes were fiery with rage, itching to rip apart the vile woman before him, but he held back, knowing she had the information on Evangeline's whereabouts.
"Spill it! Where is Evangeline?"
Evangeline could not be dead, nor could their child. They had not even started their happy life together. How could Evangeline be gone?
If he could just get Julia to talk, there would still be time to save them!
"Where is that witch? How should I know? I just sent her off to meet her maker..."
Julia's words were casual, but inside, she was already filled with remorse.
She was so caught up in having a perfect night with Walter that she did not make sure Evangeline was dealt with for good.
If Walter had found Evangeline and the kid gone for good, it would have haunted him forever. Her, the one behind it all, she would have been a ghost in his memory, always there.
A weird way to be remembered, but it was still being remembered, was it not?
However, as quick as it took to say those words, Walter had ditched any hope of getting the truth out of Julia.
"Julia, my guys have this place locked down. If you won't talk, trust me, someone else will."
Like Julia's own crew, her big-shot supporters, or the goons he had waiting just outside…
The readers' comments on the novel: Unmasking the Heiress (Evangeline and Walte)
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