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Unrivaled Dragon Lord novel Chapter 102

"You'll know it later." Maxwell said meaningfully.

But in Greta's eyes, she thought Maxwell was talking nonsense and she ignored him.

How could she give up the cooperation with Metis if he didn't tell her the reasons?

"Just a reminder," Maxwell smiled faintly and left.

"You know her?" Suddenly, Maxwell paused, and felt nervous.

He slowly turned his head and found Greta's beautiful eyes staring at him coldly.

Maxwell shuddered at Greta's grim look. He quickly said, "Of course not. I just don't think she looks like a nice person."

"Get out." Greta softened her tone and commanded.

"All right."

Maxwell let out a sigh of relief and scampered out of the office.

At the moment when Maxwell walked out of the office, Greta raised a meaningful smile.

Greta made a phone call and said in a fluent, authentic foreign language, "Are you free tonight? Let's have dinner together."

In the late afternoon, Maxwell sat next to Greta in a private room in the five-star hotel. He looked curiously at the delicate and luxurious cold dishes on the table and said, "Ms. Greta, who are you waiting for? You've been waiting for so long."

"You'll know when she comes," Greta said lightly.

Five minutes later, outside the corridor, there spread the sound of high-heeled shoes.

Maxwell was shocked! The familiar high-heeled shoes sound sent chill down his spine! And he looked fierce immediately!

Maxwell jerked his head around and looked at the box door!

A woman with long hair suddenly walked in!

It was Metis!

Maxwell would never forget this woman! Because of her, his life was in danger many times!

"Ms. Greta, your chauffeur is here too?" Metis took off her sunglasses, glanced over Greta, and finally landed on Maxwell, who looked grim beside Greta.

Maxwell's face twitched. Was Metis insulting him?

After Metis sat down, they soon started chatting. Hot dishes were served, and neither Greta nor Metis had eaten much, instead, they were talking merrily.

Maxwell, on the other hand, wolfed down the dishes. Greta, who was chatting with Metis, could not bear to look at his greedy look, and warned, "Take it slowly."

"Ms. Greta, leave the servants alone. They certainly don't have the same eating manners as we do," Metis laughed.

Greta nodded and smiled. "You are right. I didn't expect that we can reach the agreement so fast."

All of a sudden, the drumstick in Maxwell's left hand quivered slightly, and Maxwell's eyes became deep.

Maxwell stared at Metis. Naturally, he would not believe that Metis, as the Goddess of Wisdom from the Western Dark World, would just come here to cooperate with the Sandoval Group.

The profit from this collaboration was probably less than one thousandth of Metis's price.

Metis seemed to notice that Maxwell was staring at her. She smiled a little and asked, "Do you have any question?"

"No, I just want to tell you that the dishes have been served, and you can eat now." Maxwell calmed down and smiled.

Greta glanced over the table and frowned. "You've eaten so much. What are we going to eat now? Your leftovers?"

Greta looked disgruntled for Maxwell's impoliteness. She was afraid Metis had changed her impressions on herself.

Although the Sandoval Group and Metis partnership seemed to be a done deal, Greta didn't want to lower her status in the eyes of others because of Maxwell.


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