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Unveiling The Genius Behind The Divorce novel Chapter 106

Chapter 106 The Difference Between Love and None 

Meanwhile, at the Koch Group. 

The weather outside the window was bright and sunny. The moment the curtains were drawn open, the office was instantly filled with light and cheerfulness. 

After brewing a cup of coffee for Aylin, Hugo respectfully handed her the report. 

After drinking half a cup of coffee, Aylin’s drowsiness from waking up early disappeared. She quickly reviewed and approved the reports with a few strokes of her pen. Then, she calmly instructed Hugo on which tasks were important and urgent, and which ones needed to be revised and resubmitted. 

Hugo readily agreed. 

During that time, he couldn’t help but sneak a few glances at Aylin. 

He wasn’t sure if it was just his imagination, but he always felt like she had something on her mind. 

“What are you looking at me for?” 

Suddenly caught off guard, Hugo’s ears turned red as he met the woman’s cold and delicate gaze. “No… I mean, did you not get enough rest last night? Do you need to take a break?” 

Aylin was slightly taken aback. 

Is it that obvious that my mental state is not good? 

“No need, you can go now.” 

Aylin didn’t want to say more, and Hugo didn’t dare to ask further. He just looked at the, mountain-like pile of documents on the table, feeling a bit sorry for Aylin. Silently, he lit a calming and soothing wooden incense stick and then left the room. 

What he didn’t know was that Aylin’s worries weren’t about work. 

Through her experiences in recent days, she had become adept at handling official matters. Even when faced with a mountain of documents, she could sort and resolve them in an orderly and 

efficient manner. 

What truly distracted her was the special date today. 

The eighteenth day of the lunar calendar was a day of great joy and auspiciousness, suitable for weddings and handling important matters. 

It was also Gavyn’s wedding day. 

Aylin tried her best to ignore it and focus on her work, but her thoughts would unconsciously drift 

away, forcing her to put down her pen and lean back in her chair to calm her mind. 

The subtle scent of sandalwood wafted gently through the air. 

She closed her eyes to rest, not noticing the door quietly opening a crack. Following that, a faint. sound of footsteps reached her ears, causing Aylin’s eyebrows to twitch. 

“Hugo, what else…” 

As she looked up, Robert was gazing at her with a warin smile. 

“Robert, why are you here?” 

Robert wore a red and black thin baseball jersey, with three silver studs in his ear and a thick, silver-plated necklace from the Carter family around his neck. He looked both handsome and wildly unrestrained. 

“I came to check on you, and it’s a good thing I did. How can you sleep without covering yourself with a blanket at this age?” 

He tenderly took off his coat and draped it over Aylin. Aylin waved her hand to indicate that she was fine, “I’m not cold, just taking a short nap.” 

“No way, put it on!” 

Robert forcefully draped it over her, then moved behind her to gently massage her temples. “I know you’ve been working non-stop these past few days. Hugo can handle some things, and if not, there’s Daniel and me. Why are you pushing yourself so hard? What will you do if you get sick?” 

Aylin laughed it off, “Don’t worry, I’ve learned martial arts, so my body isn’t that delicate.” 

“You, you’re just so stubborn.” 

Robert couldn’t help but pat his sister’s head, then suddenly leaned down and raised an eyebrow, saying, “Work is so tough, why don’t you take a break and have some fun?” 

As he spoke, he opened his phone, and the screen displayed a live broadcast of a wedding ceremony. 

The on-site reporter was excitedly introducing- 

“Ladies and gentlemen, today is the joyous day of the wedding between the President of the Delacruz Group and the renowned dancer, Ms. Marsh. I will be guiding you through every detail of this beautiful ceremony.” 

Aylin’s face changed, and she turned her head away, unwilling to let her gaze fall on the screen. 

“What’s so interesting about this? I’m not watching.” 

At the wedding, there were two people she never wanted to see again. 

Robert had guessed that she would refuse, so he straightened her head and mysteriously said, “There will be a big ‘surprise’ at the scene later, and you will definitely be happy after seeing it. Trust me, just accompany me to watch it, okay?” 

Aylin’s eyebrows slightly furrowed, “What kind of surprise could there be? I still have to work.” 

Gavyn and Laila’s wedding was now set in stone, and Aylin felt that unless Gavyn was somehow kicked out of the picture, it would be difficult for anything to change. 

Robert grinned mysteriously, “You’ll see when you watch it with me, I guarantee you’ll like it. Oh, Aylin, dear Aylin, please agree to it for your third brother’s sake…” 

In the end, even a grown man started acting all cute and spoiled. 

It would be quite a sight for his adoring fans to see their unrestrained and wild Robert acting cute and coquettish. 

Aylin was getting a headache from all the commotion and reluctantly put down her documents. “Robert, you really are… fine, I’ll watch with you for a bit, but we can’t watch for too long. I still 

have work to deal with.” 

“As you wish, Ms. Koch!” 

Robert brought his two fingers together, lightly tapped his forehead, and raised his eyebrows in a respectful salute. 


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