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Unveiling The Genius Behind The Divorce novel Chapter 163

Chapter 163 Confrontation 

Aylin frowned, feeling quite displeased. As she turned her head to look, the owner of the hand that had touched her caught her off guard. 

The woman, with her arms crossed and eyes filled with anger, looked at him disdainfully. It was none other than Laila! 

In the accessories section of the Louis Vuitton boutique, the atmosphere suddenly became a bit 


It seemed as if Laila didn’t notice the sudden coldness in Aylin’s eyes. With her usual expression, she approached with a warm smile and greeted, “What a coincidence, Ms. Koch. You’re here too?” 

It’s such a turn-off. She was in a good mood, but as soon as she saw Laila, this pretentious woman, all her enthusiasm disappeared! 

Upon seeing Laila, Aylin felt nauseated and coldly averted her gaze, having no intention of greeting 


She grabbed the tie with a backhand motion and turned around to leave! 

Ryker noticed that Aylin’s expression had turned sour, clearly bothered by Laila. So, he quickly 

followed her to offer support. 

Before leaving, he glared at Laila with an icy, displeased look and said, “Do you really enjoy taking things from others?” 

This statement has a hidden meaning, implying that Laila has interfered with Aylin’s marriage! 

The shop assistant could sense the tense atmosphere between them, but it was not her place to interfere in the customers’ personal matters. She politely explained to Laila, “I’m sorry, but this young lady did have her eye on that tie first. However, take a look at this one. It has a similar design 

and is quite nice as well…” 

Laila couldn’t care less about what the shop assistant was saying. She felt greatly humiliated, her heart and mind filled with anger! 

The hospital where she was staying was nearby, but she didn’t have any serious issues, so she couldn’t stand being cooped up in the ward all day. 

She simply decided to go out for a stroll. 

Helen told her that the photos had already been leaked, and it was as if she was reassured. Because once this news spread, she and Gavyn would be bound together again, making it difficult to break free! 

So, she decided to go out for a stroll and buy some gifts for Gavyn to win his affection. 

Who would have thought that coming here full of joy, I would end up being infuriated by Aylin before it even began? 

Once upon a time, a former loser dared to despise her, and Laila couldn’t stand it! 

Fuming with anger, she immediately took three steps as if they were two and followed closely behind, catching up with Aylin as they both stood in the shoe and sock section. 

“Hey, Aylin, long time no see! Your skills in attracting men have really improved!” 

Last time Laila saw Ryker and Aylin together, they were acting affectionate and their words revealed a great relationship between them. If this wasn’t a new romance, what else could it be? 

She glanced at Aylin with disdain, “Humph, I thought you were so virtuous and loyal. You pretended to be so in love with Gavyn, but it turns out you’ve been cheating on him all along!” 

“Going out with a man so openly, I remember you used to have a sense of shame. How did you become so shameless now?” 

In the shoe and sock section, there were hardly any customers coming and going, so Laila wasn’t afraid of being seen at all. Her arrogant attitude made it clear that she was determined to cause trouble for Aylin today and make her life difficult! 

In Ryker’s heart, Aylin has always been a sacred and beautiful presence, almost like an untouchable 

female idol. 

He immediately put on a cold face and said, “It’s like a crow standing on a pile of coal, accusing others of being black while not seeing its own dirt! When it comes to being despicable, who can outdo you, Ms. Marsh?” 

Ryker, a tall and imposing model, looked down at Laila with an indescribable, overwhelming presence. “A few days ago, Ms. Marsh’s engagement party was broadcast live all over New York. Everyone saw your ‘passionate romance’ with Mr. Olson. It was incredibly sensual. 

I’m sure many people have recorded it, and you can easily find it online. Ms. Marsh, you wouldn’t have forgotten what you did so quickly, would you? But it’s okay if you did forget; I can play it back for you to refresh your memory. 

Would you like to take a look?” 

Laila’s face suddenly stiffened, turning pale and then flushing with color. 

These words were like a knife, stabbing Laila right in the heart. The wedding was supposed to be the moment her dreams came true, but who would have thought it would turn into a lifelong 


The embarrassment and awkwardness of embarrassment in front of the dignitaries was like a long steel needle, ruthlessly piercing her heart. It was something she couldn’t spit out or swallow for 

many days. 

Now, Ryker was actually using this matter to hurt her! 

Laila’s face suddenly contorted with anger, and even her delicate makeup couldn’t hide the resentment in her eyes. “You two… what right do you, this despicable couple, have to criticize me! 

Aylin must be jealous of me, jealous that I can receive Gavyn’s love while she can’t! So you all conspired to frame me! 

Hmph, she’s just jealous that even if Gavyn died, he wouldn’t glance at her again!” 


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