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Unveiling The Genius Behind The Divorce novel Chapter 228

Chapter 228 You Are My Only Sister 

Taking advantage of the traffic light, Aylin sent a message to Lloyd. 

If it weren’t for not wanting to reveal her identity, she really wanted to drag him to the operating table and perform a craniotomy to see if there was something wrong with his brain. 

Lately, I’ve been doing some inexplicable actions, as if I’m sick! 

Lloyd had just finished a call with Laila and was still busy when he heard the notification sound. He 

picked up his phone and, to his surprise, it was a message from Aylin. 

Did Ms. Koch have a change of heart? 

Lloyd immediately paused his work, earnestly opened the message, and then was stunned. 


Is Ms. Koch showing concern for Gavyn? 

Lloyd was well aware thar 

Gavyn had been injured five years ago. Fortunately, he had encountered Divine Doctor, or else he would have been done for. However, only he and Steve knew about this 

incident. How did Mrs. Delacruz find out? 

He quickly replied to Aylin: [Ms. Koch, how did you find out about Mr. Delacruz’s situation? Did he tell you everything?] 

Just to be on the safe side, I’ll ask again. 

Aylin had sent the message on a whim, not expecting Lloyd to respond. When she saw his reply, her eyebrows furrowed in surprise. 

Could it be that Gavyn really has some neurological issue? 

Aylin’s fingers swiftly tapped on the screen as she texted: [Why do you ask?] 

He replied: [Because you said so!] 

She was confused. 

He texted: [Doesn’t that mean you already know?] 

A few rounds later, Lloyd noticed that Aylin seemed to be lost in confusion, so he carefully asked by 

texting: (Ms. Koch, do you mean…?] 

Aylin typed with a cold expression: (What I mean is, have Mr. Delacruz get a brain scan to see if there’s anything wrong with his brain, instead of acting crazy all the time!] 

Lloyd’s radiant smile froze on his face, as he thought Aylin had noticed Gavyn’s good qualities and 

came to care for him, hoping Gavyn would change his mind. 

Get Bo 

My apologies, I made a mistake. Sorry for the inconvenience… 

He replied: [Ms. Koch, I… I understand what you mean.] 

However, he was unable to convey it. 

If I dare to suggest this to Gavyn, he could pack up and leave that very afternoon! 

Aylin couldn’t help but feel that there was something wrong with Lloyd’s mind. Had he been influenced by spending too much time with Gavyn? 

She silently made her way back to the office. 

“Hello, Ms. Koch.” 

“Good afternoon, Ms. Koch!” 

Upon arriving at the company, the employees respectfully nodded their heads and greeted Aylin 

one after another. 

Following the previous “Sally Truman Emergency Incident,” her crisis management skills and 

resolute personality have made it clear to all employees of the Koch Group that… 

This young noble lady is not just someone who dresses up beautifully and sits in the office sipping 

afternoon tea. She is a woman of courage and capability! 

Aylin didn’t put on airs, she nodded slightly in greeting and picked up her bag to get on the elevator. As she left, a fragrant breeze lingered behind her. 

The CEO’s office was quite spacious, with less than ten people in it. As soon as Aylin stepped out of the elevator, she heard a crisp voice echoing through the hall… 


A person arrived wearing a milky white dress with lotus leaf edges that reached just past their 

knees, and their jet-black hair was styled in soft, cascading pear blossom curls. 

Dressed like a proper lady, she saw Aylin and, like an excited little bunny, she eagerly ran over. 

“You’re finally back! I’ve been waiting for so long, I’ve missed you to death!” 


Aylin was embraced wholeheartedly by the newcomer, and the two girls hugged each other tightly, turning their longing for each other into a physical expression. 

Since the last time Suzanne attended Benjamin’s party, she went abroad for further studies. Although both of them wanted to keep in touch, one was busy with work, and the other was occupied with academics. 

Get Boys 

Due to the time difference, our conversations were regrettably interrupted several times. 

Aylin was still contemplating what gift to give her friend as a welcome home present, but before she could decide, the person suddenly appeared before her. 

After much difficulty reuniting, Aylin’s usually cold face was tinged with happiness. “You, girl, didn’t even let me know when you came back. I didn’t have time to prepare a gift.” 

“What’s the need for these formalities between besties…” 

After a pause, Suzanne rubbed her hands together with a grin, “We can just make up for it with a big 

one later, hahaha!” 

The two of them chatted and laughed as they entered Aylin’s office. 

Suzanne skillfully pulled out a chair and sat down, applying force with her hands as she spun around on the swivel chair. Her skirt flared up ever so slightly as she twirled. 

She propped her head up with a grin, looking at Aylin. “Ayl, you seem to have lost a lot of weight. Have you been missing me that much?” 

Aylin was left helpless by Suzanne’s teasing, “Yes, yes, it’s all because you’re not by my side, I’m restless, lovesick even!” 

“Perfect score!” Suzanne expressed her great satisfaction with this answer. 

Seeing her friend’s cheerful demeanor, Aylin couldn’t help but want to laugh as well. Being with a close friend brought a sense of genuine happiness from within. 

After finishing her sentence, Suzanne pouted and said, “And you say that, but you never take the initiative to contact me. I’m the one who made all those video calls to you.’ 

“Ahem, well, you know how busy things have been lately… How’s Grandpa doing these days? Have you visited him at home?” Aylin quickly changed the subject. 

“I’ve seen it. Ever since Grandpa started taking your prescription, his strength has improved a lot 

compared to before. He enjoys eating, and recently, he went fishing in a beautiful place with clear 

waters and lush mountains!” 

Suzanne held Aylin’s slender hand, the warmth of their palms comforting each other. “Honestly, don’t work yourself too hard. The company must be really busy, right? I can see that you’ve lost more than just a little weight, and it worries me.” 

Aylin touched her chin, noticing no change, and asked, “Is there anything?” 

Suzanne laughed and said, “You must be really busy to not notice this. I must have lost about six pounds, right?” 

She narrowed her eyes threateningly at her, “Now that I’m back, I’ll make sure you eat properly. 

Get Bora 

Otherwise, I won’t give you the gift I bought from abroad!” 


Aylin had seen it all from luxury brands to precious jewels, as well as exquisite delicacies. One could say that whatever she desired, she could have. 

But the gift Suzanne gave was a token of true friendship, something Aylin valued above all else. So, following her best friend’s teasing threat, she pleaded pitifully for mercy. 

“Sometimes I have to work overtime and don’t have time to eat. Don’t be so hard on a working 

person like me. So… what good stuff did you bring for me?” 


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