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Unveiling The Genius Behind The Divorce novel Chapter 45

Chapter 45 Fight Back 

At this time. Aylin was looking down at Hanson from above. Her cold face was full of a killing aura, and her black dress made her look like a

demon from hell.


The sound came again.

Hanson screamed in pain, but because he couldn’t see who it was, he could only beg for mercy. But no one replied to him. One slap after another landed on his face. Against the slap was Aylin’s cold face.

Aylin thought, this one is for my father.

My father treats you as his family, but you only think about getting the Koch Group.

This one is for my mother.

My mother is just a woman who focuses on her family and is loved by my father, but for your selfish desires, you let her die in a car


This one is for Ethan.

Although Ethan was my grandfather’s favorite son, he was still young at that time and had no interest in managing the company. But for the sake of swallowing the company alone, you delayed his treatment time.

This one is for me.

The cruise ship exploded. I lost my memory for three years. In these three years, I lost my home and depended on others. It was all your


This one is for our family.

You caused our family to be separated by life and death, causing us to suffer great sorrow.

Aylin repeated those in her heart again and again, ruthlessly slapping Hanson again and again.

Aylin thought, Hanson, do you think you can hide it well? Do you think I can’t find the evidence?

Sooner or later, you will get your retribution.

There was a crying sound.

Hanson did not have the strength to fight back now. He could only be beaten up. He was lying on the ground like a homeless dog, and no

one knew what he was saying.

His face was slapped by Aylin. And it had completely swelled up. He was a completely different person from his usual refined self.

He wanted to struggle and escape, but he couldn’t see anything. He could move on the ground bit by bit.

The tattooed man and the green-haired man watched from the side, trembling with fear.

Compared to Hanson, what they had just suffered was nothing.

Fortunately, they were clever and had long begged for mercy, otherwise, they would not dare to imagine how miserable they were now.

Who would have thought that a beautiful girl, who looked delicate and vulnerable, would actually be stronger and more ruthless than a


Sure enough, one couldn’t be judged by his appearance…

The tattooed man shivered, pulled the green-haired man and ran away. He promised that he would never do something harmful for money

in the future.

Aylin glanced at the two people who had escaped. She coldly withdrew her gaze and took a few steps back, keeping a distance from



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