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Unveiling The Genius Behind The Divorce novel Chapter 48

Chapter 48 The Delacruz Group’s End Is Coming 

Aylin felt so warm in her heart that she somehow wanted to cry.

“I’m really fine.” Aylin raised her voice as if she had returned to her former appearance as a spoiled girl “No one dares to cause trouble for me. I have Daniel in the company. And John is taking care of me at home. I’m living quite well now. When I have time, I’ll go abroad to see you. Don’t delay your work for me.”

But Robert said, “No! How can work be as important as you…”

“Listen to me!” Aylin interrupted. “I have my own arrangements here. Don’t tell Willie and Harry for the time being. Don’t mess up my plans. Otherwise, I won’t cook delicious food for you after I come back!”

Aylin thought if all his three brothers came back, they would definitely bring an earthquake to New York.

Aylin didn’t want to be so high-profile.

Robert doted on his sister very much. And Robert felt if he couldn’t eat delicious food cooked by Aylin in the future, he would go crazy. Thus, Robert quickly compromised and said. “Okay. Okay, I’ll listen to you.”

Robert and Aylin chatted for a long time.

Basically, it was Aylin who was listening to Robert speaking. After a while, Robert started talking about today’s gifts.

“How about the gifts I gave you? Have you received them? Do you still like them? I know that you like red, so I especially bought a red dress. You must be very beautiful in that dress. And I bought that diamond necklace at an auction. I also ordered a few new pairs of shoes from a famous luxurious brand. You’ll definitely like them…”

Robert was the third young master of the Gardner family. He had always been impatient and arrogant in front of outsiders. But now, when he was speaking to his young sister, he was so gentle.

When Aylin said she had something else to do, Robert finally reluctantly hung up the phone.

What Aylin didn’t know was that after Robert hung up the phone, the smile on his face disappeared in an instant. At the same time, a hint of anger appeared on his face.

Robert understood Aylin very well. Aylin always reported the good news to her family and kept what was unpleasant to herself. Even if Aylin felt sad or even suffering, she wouldn’t say it because she didn’t want to make her family worry.

Aylin said she was fine. But Robert felt Aylin must have forced a smile and lied to him!

Robert cursed Gavyn in his heart.

There was no daughter in the Gardner family. Robert and his two brothers regarded Aylin as their own lovely younger sister. Aylin was the apple of their eye, the little princess of the Gardner family. But Gavyn didn’t cherish Aylin after they got married. Because of this, Robert hated Gavyn very much!

Robert said in his heart, Gavyn’s heart must be blind!

Robert clicked open the exclusive chat group of his and his two brothers. He quickly typed a message and called his two brothers in this

chat group.


“Aylin is not dead!”

When Harry, who was still filmning, heard the notification, he picked up his phone and glanced at it. After seeing this message, he was so shocked that he threw the script aside and texted in the chat group: “Are you saying Aylin is not dead?”

Willie, who was doing his research, put down the test tube and immediately took off his gloves to type: “Tell us more specifically!”

Robert directly sent a few voice messages. He concisely and emotionally described Aylin’s experience in the past few years. After Willie and Harry heard it, they were so angry that they even wanted to leave their work and fly back right now.

Harry: “That Gavyn is really a bas*ard! I’ll ask to take a leave now and go back to teach him a good lesson!”

Willle: “The Delacruz Group, right?”

When Robert saw Harry’s and Willie’s replies, he felt his heart sk*p a beat. He quickly texted: “Wait. Wait. Don’t be so hurried to teach him a lesson. Aylin warned me that she had her own plan. She didn’t allow me to tell you about this because she didn’t want you to worry about her. If you go back like this, I will be exposed!”

Harry: “OK. I’ll listen to Aylin.”

Willie: “Me too.”

The three of them discussed it and finally decided to let Robert return to the country to help Aylin first.

After finalizing the plan with his two brothers, Robert locked his phone and looked at the night scene through the window with his bright


Robert thought in his heart, Aylin, we will be back soon!

The Delacruz Group’s end is coming!

Aylin didn’t know that her brothers already had a different plan. At this time, she was in a good mood and went upstairs to change into a new set of clothes sent by Robert. Then, she went out to work.


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