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Unveiling The Genius Behind The Divorce novel Chapter 51

Chapter 51 Uncovering His Big Secret 

Gavyn stormed out of the Koch Group, his face so gloomy It was almost unrecognizable.

“Lloyd! Is this the information you looked up? Why didn’t you find out that Aylin works at the Koch Group?”

Lloyd stammered for quite a while, unable to utter a complete sentence.”

He had indeed thoroughly investigated Aylin, but he really had no idea that Aylin would show up at the Koch Group!


With a thunderous sound of the car door closing, Gavyn’s displeased and cold voice could be heard, “Don’t even think about getting this year’s annual bonus!”

Lloyd let out a long sigh of relief. Thankfully, it was only his year-end bonus that was taken away,

not his job.

Gavyn closed his eyes and rubbed his temples, but the more he thought about it, the more annoyed he became. Every time he thought of Aylin’s provocative gaze, he couldn’t help but feel infuriated.

“What kind of person do you think Aylin is?”

Lloyd, who was just about to start the car, paused for a moment. He secretly observed Gavyn’s

expression and cautiously said, “Ms. Koch used to be very gentle and virtuous, but now, she seems

to have developed a bit more personality.”

Gavyn felt the same way.

In the beginning, Aylin wouldn’t even dare to speak loudly, let alone say anything against herself.

But now, she actually dares to treat herself like this!

How had he never noticed before that this woman was so petty? Now she even dared to take her

personal revenge in public!

Gavyn became more and more annoyed as he thought about it. He looked at Lloyd through the rearview mirror and asked, “What do you think caused such a huge change in her?”

He was speechless.

To Lloyd’s surprise, Gavyn asked him this question.

His mind went blank, and all he could do was shake his head.

“Because she’s a liar!” Gavyn gritted his teeth as he replied.

Chet Bonus

In painting.

Surprisingly, without him even realizing it, he had transformed into Aylin’s secretary,

He couldn’t believe that someone could suddenly accomplish all of this.

Gavyn tapped the armrest, a hint of coldness flashing in his eyes. “Lloyd, keep investigating. Find out where she lives in the slums, look into her relationships. I want to know when exactly she met Ryker!”

Aylin, with all these secrets you carry, what is your true purpose in getting close to me?

Gavyn increasingly felt that when Aylin saved Steve, perhaps there was some other intention behind it.

“Yes!” Lloyd hurriedly nodded in agreement, as he saw the coldness in Gavyn’s eyes.

He felt that something was off with Gavyn.

Even though Gavyn was about to marry Laila, his mind was filled with thoughts of investigating his ex-wife.

Is this reasonable?

As the saying goes, those involved may be confused while onlookers see things clearly. Lloyd pursed his lips, his mind filled with a bit more speculation. Perhaps…

Is Boss annoyed because he doesn’t have any feelings for Ms. Koch?

Lloyd felt like he had discovered Gavyn’s big secret!

At this moment, Aylin was in her office, looking at the cruise staff list that David had sent her. She

simply had no time to think about Gavyn.

“Boss, there are still some unidentified deceased individuals. This is the list of known names so



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