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Unveiling The Genius Behind The Divorce novel Chapter 68

Chapter 68 Too Concerned About His Ex 

Lloyd observed Gavyn’s expression through the rearview mirror. After so many times, he had noticed that whenever something related to Aylin was mentioned, Gavyn’s face would visibly


Gavyn still always mentions Aylin.

Lloyd really wanted to ask, Mr. Delacruz, since both of you are already divorced, Isn’t it a bit too much to still care so much about Mrs. Delacruz? But he didn’t dare to, fearing the consequences.

Gavyn noticed his hesitation and spoke coldly, “What do you want to say?”

Lloyd shook his head, “No, nothing’s wrong.”

Gavyn let out a light hum, not bothering to argue with him. “Find someone to keep an eye on Old Mrs. Delacruz. Make sure she stays at home recently and doesn’t do anything foolish!”

Aylin is full of cuming, schemes, and he must not give that woman any more opportunities to take advantage!

“Yes, Mr. Delacruz, rest assured. So, Mr. Delacruz, would you like to go home now?”

Gavyn rubbed his temples with his knuckles, thinking about going home and facing Haleigh. He knew he wouldn’t be able to avoid crying and talking about the stolen painting incident. Just hearing about it would only remind him of the main culprit, Aylin, which annoyed him.

“I’m not going home, I’m going to the company!”

Recently, Aylin has been completely immersed in her work, until the day of the death anniversary


It seemed as if the sky itself was aware that today was the memorial ceremony for Aylin’s parents. The sunshine had disappeared, replaced by a leaden gray hue that filled the heavens. Dark clouds.

hung low, and a gentle drizzle fell softly to the ground.

Aylin stepped out of the CEO’s office lounge and poured herself a cup of coffee.

In order to prepare for today’s memorial ceremony she stayed up late last night to handle a large amount of work. As a result, she still felt somewhat tired and sore. The hot water flowed gently, blurring her vision, so much so that she only realized someone had entered and called out to her when she finally saw them clearly.

“Ms. Koch, I didn’t expect you to be here so early!” Daniel was taken aback when he saw Aylin upon entering. It was only seven o’clock, and Aylin had already arrived.

Aylin pressed the off button, “Hmm, I didn’t go back yesterday.”

Upon looking up, I saw Daniel, who seemed momentarily stunned.

The other party was dressed neatly, wearing a black suit that matched her solemn black skirt. In her Arms, she held a bouquet of French irises, her mother’s favorite flowers when she was alive. Her Intentions couldn’t be clearer.

Aylin took a sip of her coffee, “I can go by myself today, you don’t need to accompany me.”

After drinking a cup of coffee, her mind became much clearer. However, having stayed up all night, the woman’s eyebrows revealed a hint of fatigue. Her dark dress only served to accentuate the paleness of her complexion.

Daniel had been with Timothy for inany years and had watched Aylin grow up. The once carefree and radiant Aylin now looked exhausted and pale, which broke Daniel’s heart. He quickly went over to take the cup from her and set it aside.

“Ms. Koch, I know you’re worried about Mr. Koch and Mrs. Koch, but you can’t neglect your own


“Don’t even mention me, even Old Mr. Koch would feel upset seeing you like this! Ms. Koch, please don’t refuse, let me accompany you today.”

In fact, Daniel only told half of the story. This time, he not only came for his own feelings, but also carried out Robert’s entrusted mission!

Last night, after having dinner, he suddenly received a call from Robert.

The other person spoke clearly and concisely, “I’ve heard about Aylin’s situation. You’re helping her now, right?”

To Daniel’s surprise, Robert already knew the ins and outs of the matter. He respectfully said, “Yes, Mr. Robert, do you have any instructions?”


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