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Unveiling The Genius Behind The Divorce novel Chapter 76

Chapter 76 The Insignificant One 

Aylin looked at him coldly.

Waylon held his dropped jaw in astonishment, half in surprise and half in admiration. “Oh my goodness, I can’t believe I misjudged this time. How could I not have thought of it? Ayiln, Koch, the daughter of the Koch family… So you are the daughter of the Koch family…”

Robert felt that not only was Waylon’s eyesight poor, but his mind wasn’t quite right either.

Aylin was a beauty with heavenly charm, how could anyone not see that?

Aylin still hadn’t given Waylon a direct answer. With her beautiful, delicate eyebrows raised slightly, she bluntly said, “Running around asking questions, do you have a lot of free time? Don’t you have anything better to do?”

Waylon is Gavyn’s friend, a rather frivolous and unrestrained person. She doesn’t have much of a fondness for him, but it seems his mind is a bit sharper than Gavyn’s, as he managed to guess her

true identity.

Since she had already been discovered, there was no point in hiding it anymore. So, Aylin simply chose not to explain further.

The woman’s voice was still as pleasant as ever, but her tone had completely changed, no longer the nervous and cautious flattery she had shown when meeting people three years ago. Aylin’s beautiful face remained calm and composed, as if the fine curtain of raindrops had draped a thin layer of mist over her. Her clear, bright eyes now resembled a deep, ancient well, swirling with emotions that were difficult to decipher.

Waylon couldn’t help but exclaim inwardly, Well, looks like Mr. Delacruz is done for this time.

He was a veteran of the nightclubs, having encountered all sorts of women, at least a basketful. Now, at a glance, it was clear that Aylin had changed dramatically from her past self. The pain and torment she had once endured had transformed her completely.

No, perhaps Aylin has always been like this – calm, resolute, and straightforward.

Originally, Waylon thought Aylin was quite nice, a hundred times better than that girl named Laila.

It was just that his friend had poor taste and couldn’t see the goodness in Aylin.

He wanted to play matchmaker and bring these two people together again.

It seems that someone might not have a chance now

Waylon is emotionally intelligent; he knows that Aylin and Gavyn have some unresolved issues, so he tactfully avoids bringing up that topic.

“No, I’m just here to pay respects to my elders. It’s a coincidence,” Waylon said with a raised

Chapter 76 The Insignificant One


eyebrow and a smile. “Ms. Koch… no, I should call you CEO Aylin now. CEO Aylin, coincidences are also fatel How about we take this opportunity to have a meal together? My treat.”

Seeing that Aylin didn’t respond, Waylon tried again, “If you don’t feel like eating, there’s a great art exhibition with a count theme hosted by Mr. Zeller at Madison Square Garden recently, I wonder if I have the chance to invite Ms. Koch to join me for a visit?”

Waylon squinted his peach blossom eyes, smiling with genuine sincerity.

The Koch family’s reputation was well-known, and recently, the Koch Group’s stocks had been steadily rising. If the Kline family could collaborate with the Koch family, it would be nothing but beneficial for them. Waylon couldn’t possibly let such a great opportunity slip away.

However, the more Robert listened, the more his brow furrowed in frustration.


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