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Unveiling The Genius Behind The Divorce novel Chapter 78

Chapter 78 She Was Never an Obedient Person 

Aylin looked at the man in front of her, feeling a chill in her teeth.

She thought she had cultivated herself to be immune to all poisons, but her heart still ached fiercely when she heard the word “disguise,” throbbing will pain.

Over the past three years, her love for Gavyn had grown so deep that it was almost etched into her bones. She was willing to humble herself, lowering her own dignity to the dust, just to catch a glimpse of him. When she heard about a new dish he liked, she would immediately look up the recipe and learn to make it. If he preferred virtuous women, she would do her best to become one. And when she knew he didn’t like being disturbed while working, she would never set foot in his


She devoted her whole heart to Gavyn, making every effort to please him without expecting anything in return, yet all she received was such a cold, disdainful judgment.


Everyone has the right to call her hypocritical, except for Gavyn!

Burning with rage, old grudges and new grievances piled up together, Aylin looked at Gavyn’s questioning face, only to find it absurd, pitiful, and laughable!

She looked up, a cold smile on her face as she confronted him. “Yes, I’m not the obedient person

you thought I was. Virtue and morality were all just a facade. I deceived you for three years, but

what can you do about it now? It’s all in the past. What do you want to know by asking these questions?”

Aylin didn’t bother to explain, as she was genuinely hurt. Instead of repeatedly defending herself only to be dismissed, she decided to go along with Gavyn’s words and hoped to infuriate him to the point of collapse. Let him misunderstand her!

She looked at Gavyn with a slight arch of her eyebrows, her expression subtly hinting at provocation and disdain. The strands of hair blown onto her face draped over her high, delicate nose, giving her a mischievous and unrestrained appearance.

It was as if she didn’t care about anything, not even the man standing right in front of her.

Gavyn’s expression could no longer be described as unpleasant.

She was indeed pretending all along!

Gavyn’s chest heaved with anger, “Finally, you’re telling the truth! Aylin, no wonder you’ve been going through men one after another since your divorce. Your previous good behavior was just a facade, and being fickle is your true nature, isn’t it? Huh? And who is Robert to you? A new boyfriend you’ve h***ked up with, or your next target for a sugar daddy?”

Chapter 78 She Was Never on Obadiant Dercon

Get Grips

Aylin didn’t care about his mockery, but her eyebrows twitched when she heard Robert’s name. Robert had just returned to the country, and even she had only recently met with Robert. How could Gavyn know so much about her and the people around her? This feeling of having her privacy invaded made her both disgusted and annoyed.

Do all men have a bit of a mean streak in them?

Once upon a time, he didn’t care about her at all and was even unwilling to spare a sympathetic glance. But now that they’re divorced, he keeps hovering around her non-stop, like a clingy dog. So annoying!

Aylin had skillfully grasped Gavyn’s pain point. She smiled faintly, her face clear and beautiful. “Yes, he really likes me too, willingly spending money on me, and I can’t even stop him. What’s the matter, Mr. Delacruz? Are you envious? Do you want me to introduce someone to you?”


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