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Unveiling The Genius Behind The Divorce novel Chapter 86

Chapter 86 Hearing Another Man Call Her Lin 

The agony of choking on thick smoke during an explosion, the desperate cries for help from grieving people – all of it remains vivid in memory.

Whenever Aylin thought about this matter, her hatred surged like a tidal wave, washing away rationality.


In the end, Aylin didn’t lose her senses. Hanson was definitely not innocent, but this man lurking around her car was undoubtedly up to no good as well!

Robert and her thought alike, chuckling as he said, “Enough about others, what about you? Why did you show up next to Aylin’s car?”

“I’ve been wronged!”

Letcher wiped his face and sighed helplessly. “Hanson knew I had some expertise in cars, and I happened to be short on money recently, so he came to me. But I think this is just too cruel, how could I harm my own cousin? Right?”

“That’s why I didn’t agree to help him! I came to your car to check if he had left any traps for you. Sure enough, when I got there, your car had already been tampered with. It wasn’t convenient for me to reveal my identity to you, so I had no choice but to secretly follow behind your car, hoping to ensure your safety. Little did I know, I would be caught by you guys as soon as I got out of my car!”

He spoke with utmost sincerity, his voice choked with tears, making it impossible to find

in his words.


After hearing this, Robert and Aylin’s faces turned serious, and it was unclear what they were


In a certain place in Letcher, something is once again stirring with anticipation.


He always had a selective memory, quickly forgetting the pain of being beaten. Once the pain subsided, he couldn’t help but gravitate towards Aylin, who had an outstanding figure and stunning looks, with a pitiful and pleading expression.

“Ah, my dear Aylin, how could Letcher possibly harm you? What I’m saying is the truth; if anything, Letcher cherishes you deeply…”

The two characters “doting love” were deliberately emphasized, as the gaze was directed towards Aylin’s slender waist.

Moreover, he was so charming. While abroad, he relied on sweet talk and persuasive eloquence to win over many beautiful young girls.

Now that he has such a lively and charming cousin with a unique personality right in front of him, it would be a waste if he didn’t enjoy her company!

Let’s not talk about the distant future for now.

Even holding hands or embracing the waist would be nice.

Letcher moved closer to Aylin.


With a cold expression on his face, Robert’s hands moved faster than his mouth. He swung his arms and landed two solid punches on Letcher’s abdomen, sending him flying far away.

“If you keep staring at me like that, I’ll gouge your eyes out! You better come clean with me, what else did you do today?”

As a fellow man, Robert could instantly see the lewd look in his eyes.

He even dares to call himself a brother. What kind of brother would lay a hand on his sister like that? It’s a complete insult to the word “brother”!


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