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Unveiling The Genius Behind The Divorce novel Chapter 9

Chapter 9 Show Love to Her 

Darlon looked over and raised his eyebrows.

“Don’t talk nonsense. That’s his ex-wife now.”

Gavyn did not believe it at all. He looked at the dance floor with a long face. The next second, he was immediately attracted by the back of a woman.

She was dancing to the music, looking cold and beautiful.

As the music sped up, the woman turned around.

The collar of the blue dress was pulled down, and it became boat-necked, showing her delicate collarbone. She lifted the hem of the dress, revealing her smooth calves and thighs.

Gavyn stood up.

His face became gloomier and gloomier, and he was on the verge of losing his temper.

Waylon was shocked. “Goodness. Is… Is that Aylin? Look at her collarbone, her back, her figure, and her face. If she doesn’t put on makeup, she is charming. If she does, she is fabulous. She is the prettiest in the world. I am moved. Gavyn, if you don’t mind, I will chase after her.”

Waylon rubbed his hands. He was wrong as Aylin didn’t look common at all.

She was so s**y.

Unfortunately, Waylon’s enthusiasm went down the moment he met Gavyn’s gaze.

It was a pity that Aylin’s ex-husband disagreed.

Gavyn frowned deeply as he watched the group of men surround Aylin with h*rny eyes. It seemed that as long as there was a chance, they would make a move on Aylin.

He thought Aylin was born to bring him bad luck.

Ever since Gavyn met her, he was forced to marry and then divorce.

Gavyn wouldn’t care about what happened at the city hall, but he didn’t expect Aylin to c***old him in front of his friends at such a place.

The more Gavyn thought about it, the angrier he became, and he clenched his fists with a cr*ck.

At this time, the song ended, and the cheers of the audience continued.

David stood beside Aylin, draped his coat over Aylin, and used his body to separate the men trying to rush over at any


His eyes were sharp, and he kept praising Aylin.

“Aylin, you’re the most beautiful. No matter where you go, you will always be the focus of attention. Look at those men. They are all fascinated by you.”

At this time, Aylin felt a little drunk and rubbed her head.

“What’s the use of beauty? It’s not like someone doesn’t like it.”

Aylin smiled as she leaned back against the bar counter, but she didn’t feel happy.

In these three years, although Aylin did not have the memories of being a Koch, it was true that she had loved Gavyn.


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