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Unwanted Mate Of The Lycan Kings (by jessica hall) novel Chapter 107


As my eyes adjust to the dim light, I am greeted by the sight of emaciated men shackled to walls. Their pitiful moans fill the dank room, their pleading eyes begging for mercy. The reality of the situation, of their predicament, is a brutal slap to my conscience.

Tears burn the backs of my eyes, my nose instantly going stuffy as I fight the urge to break. It’s too much; everything I’ve seen is too much; the lack of humanity, the lack of anything good in this place, is far too much for one to witness, let alone live. Regan’s words float through my mind. “I am the monster they claim I am.” He had warned me, told me multiple times, yet somehow I saw good in a man that has none.

Zeke’s words echo in the back of my mind, cutting out the memory of Regan’s, “I told him to put them out of their misery.” I whirl around to face him, my mind a whirlwind of rage and betrayal. His silence in the face of such cruelty, his failure to intervene... It's unforgivable. It’s a scene straight out of my nightmares.

“You knew about this?” I whisper, my voice hoarse, the taste of betrayal bitter in my mouth.

“I… we’ve tried to reason with him,” Zeke answers quietly, avoiding my gaze.

“I can’t believe you, Zeke. You’re just as bad as he is,” I snap, the realization dawning on me. Zeke looks at me, hurt flashing in his eyes, but I don’t care. The castle awaits, and with it, Regan.

“I can’t even look at you right now; I thought what you’ve done was bad, but allowing this?” My voice chokes up, tears welling up in my eyes. Zeke tries to speak, but I cut him off. I don’t want to hear it. I don’t want to hear his excuses, his justifications. Not now. With one last look, I storm off toward the mansion.

As I approach the mansion’s grand entrance, I throw out my hands, and a gust of wind propels the heavy wooden doors open, the loud crash reverberating throughout the vast halls. I ignore the startled gazes of the servants, their hushed whispers echoing as they retreat, leaving me alone in the grand foyer.

Gnash, Hunter, and Shadow cautiously join me. “I’m not angry at you three,” I tell them, and I manage a weak smile. They rush over, pouncing on me, and I pat their heads, letting their familiar comfort seep into my troubled heart. I settle down on the steps, my gaze fixed on the entrance.

“He’d better have a good excuse, or he may find himself down in those dungeons receiving the same fate,” I growl under my breath, my fingers absentmindedly scratching Gnash’s head.

The events of the day replay in my mind, the injustices I’ve seen, the fear, the despair... the anger simmers after a while and turns to wanting to understand. Yet no excuse seems good enough for this kind of behavior, this sort of treatment. He is their king, the person they trust to keep order, to keep them safe, to rule fairly. Yet he is no king but a dictator, a monster.

Hours pass, but it’s enough time for me to analyze everything I’ve seen, filter it, and I’ve drawn one conclusion, only one. The rest makes no sense, and even still, the one thing I’ve figured out, I’m conflicted about.

So when I see lights on the driveway through the open foyer doors, I blink out of the haze I’ve been in. Only now, realizing the day has gone and been replaced with night. Gnash, Hunter, and Shadow rise. Gnash’s tail wags excitedly, but I don’t share his excitement to see his owner. His boots crunch on the road outside as he approaches the castle doors. I don’t move, afraid if I do, I will do something I can’t take back.


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