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Unwanted Mate Of The Lycan Kings (by jessica hall) novel Chapter 116

One hand cups my breast, the thumb rubbing across my nipple, while the other slips into my hair, his fingers curling around the wet strands. He tugs slightly, angling my head to deepen the kiss, his tongue exploring the depths of my mouth with an enthusiasm that sends my heart racing.

I can feel him, hard and insistent against my thigh, the heat of him searing through me. His hand ventures lower, skimming over my pussy, and I gasp against his mouth.

"Zeke," I manage to whisper, my fingers clutching the broad expanse of his shoulders. My heart pounding in my chest, my body alive with desire.

"I did warn you, Zirah," he murmurs against my lips, his voice a husky whisper as he moves slightly, lifting me higher to give his hand more reach and shoving a finger inside, making me gasp at the sudden rough intrusion. His mouth finds my breasts, his lips latching onto my nipple. I grip his hair, tugging his head back. His canines protrude, his face slightly twisted as he fights his more primal urges. "Don't you dare shift," I tell him. "I ain't into bestiality," I tell him.

"You're tempting the beast in me, Zirah." he purrs, nipping at my jaw. He runs his canines down the column of my neck, his teeth pricking the skin over Lyon's mark.

"You're playing with fire," Zeke whispers as he pulls his finger out, adding another.

Fire does not scare me; right now, I know I will enjoy how it burns.

As his fingers move inside me, I can feel Zeke teetering on the edge of control as I slip lower down the tiles. His breath comes faster now as he slides a third finger in to stretch out my walls and explore deeper. He cups my pussy with one hand as his fingers move expertly inside me, sending pulses of pleasure through my body that make every muscle clench around him until I'm panting, desperate for release.

My hand slips between us, and I undo the button on his pants, the weight of them from the shower forcing them down his thighs, and my fingertips graze his hardened cock. I spread my legs wider, crossing my feet behind his lower back, allowing him better access. His fingers move inside me, probing deep. His movements become even more urgent as he teases sensitive places I never knew could be so aroused. The sensations pull a moan from within me; Zeke growls, shoving me harder into the tiled wall before devouring my mouth again. Waves of pleasure surge through every nerve in my body, intensifying when he suddenly pulls his fingers out.

"We can't do this here; I may hurt you or lose control and drop you," he mumbles against my lips. I nod, leaning over to twist the taps off. I had barely turned them off before he was trudging back to the room. His entire body ripples and his aura explodes out of him like a raging inferno as his control walks that thin line. Zeke, barely controlling himself to keep from shifting. It makes me feel powerful, powerful enough to bring someone like this immovable mountain, who normally stands proud atop everyone around him, to the brink of his control.

My back hits the mattress, and not gently, as his weight comes crashing down on me. I barely had time to suck in a breath before he rammed inside me. Zeke groans the sound guttural as his teeth sink into my collarbone. I barely bite back a scream at the pain, knowing it's not his fault. He did warn me, yet the pain is forgotten when he pulls out, slamming back into me. Each thrust becomes harder, faster, riding a fine line between pain and bliss.

Dark pleasure floods my senses as I press into him, grinding our hips together, matching his rhythm. He is no longer in control, as he slams back and forth like a man possessed. He runs his hands over my body, tracing every line as if trying to memorize it by touch. My nails sink into the skin on his back, anchoring myself at this moment, pushing away any sense of reality and surrendering to hell and heavenly euphoria.

The heat of the moment ignites me into an inferno as my body trembles around him. My body tightens, Zeke growls as if sensing my oncoming orgasm, and he presses down harder as wave after wave surges through me. My cries echo off the walls of his bedroom; I feel like I'm flying, soaring amongst the stars before coming crashing back to earth with him still inside me.

Lycan Queen's Prey Chapter 41 1


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