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Unwanted Mate Of The Lycan Kings (by jessica hall) novel Chapter 18

The walk back to the castle feels impossible as I climb the hill. The sun rising quickly, the lack of sleep, and the tormenting night were really catching up with me. As I climb the hill, I’m very aware of the kings behind us, watching me; I can feel their angry eyes boring into me, their auras creeping toward me threateningly. Hunter remains at my side, his fur brushing my legs as I walk.

Yet as we move through the rear courtyard, past the magnificent gardens, and into the grand castle, I find the curious gazes of the King’s staff watching me. However, they all quickly scamper away when the three Kings enter behind us. They all scatter, making themselves busy except for one who King Theron addresses.

“Shelley, can you take Zirah here to the guest quarters in my sons wing, please? Find her something to wear.”

“Yes, my King,” the woman answers, motioning for me to follow her when the King turns to face me.

“Shower and come meet me in the dining room. I’m sure you’re hungry. I will have the chefs make you breakfast.” The King says before walking off and leaving me with his maid. We watch him go when I hear feel the heat of one of the King’s sons press against my back. Moving away, I turn to find it is Zeke. Hunter stares up at his master, not so much in fear, just anxiously like he is waiting for what Zeke will do.

His eyes flicker dangerously when King Regan clamps a hand down on his shoulder. “So tense brother, imagine the fun we can have breaking her. Let her shower first. If we have to play house with her to appease our father, so be it, but we might as well enjoy breaking her as we do.” King Regan says coldly while shooting me a glare.

King Regan’s lips tug into a smirk. “Besides, I give her a week before she kills herself, then you’ll have Hunter back at your side where he belongs.” King Regan adds.

The maid touches my arm, forcing my attention to her and I am thankful, anything to get away from these three men so I can figure out how to escape this place. “Zirah? If you’ll follow me,” she says, nodding toward the stairs.

“Right, come on Hunter,” I call Zeke’s wolf, who instantly obeys. Zeke growls behind me, the sound sending a chill up my spine, and I peer over my shoulder at him and him and smile. Zeke moves to take a step toward the stairs when King Lyon grabs his arm.

“Forget her. Regan is right. She won’t last week.”

“Easy for you to say. She hasn’t stolen your wolf.” Zeke snarls angrily.

“Yet!” I offer, listening as I climb the steps, earning growls and snarls from all three this time. Shelley nudges me, giving me a strange look, and I move to keep up with her.

When we reach the first landing, she turns for the next set of stairs. “You really shouldn’t antagonize them. The King may be alright and somewhat humane, but his sons?” Shelley shudders.

“Try not to get on their bad side.”

“I think I have already done that,” I tell her, glancing at the maid.

Shelley stops and glances around nervously. “I shouldn’t say anything, if the King knew he would kill me for such betrayal. But none of his sons deserve the throne. They are cruel and barbaric. The things they have done…” Shelley shakes her head and bites her lip. Looking at her aura, I can see she is being genuine, the white light casting off it though I do find slightly strange, it flickers with green edges before she clears her throat and I find her watching me strangely.

“I’m sure he can tell his sons are undeserving of any throne, he simply does not care.” I quickly divert, not liking the way she is staring at me intently.

“He cares. That is why you’re here, but—” she peers back down the stairs before stepping closer to me and whispering.


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