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Unwanted Mate Of The Lycan Kings (by jessica hall) novel Chapter 2

“Zirah, hurry,” grandma hisses, her hand barely touching my fingertips. Gritting my teeth, I try to use my foot that is still on the wall to push higher. The Lycan below me loses his grip slightly, his sharp claws hooking into my ankle to rip me back down.

My hand flails, trying to grab Grandma's. When she manages to grab it, she grabs my arm with strength I didn't know she still wielded and the Lycan claws at the inside walls of the tunnel, trying to reach me.

Kicking my foot out, it connects with the side of his head and he tumbles back out. Grandma groans and I look up to see her eyes glowing white. Her pupils then glow blue as a current of air tunnels around me, and she rips me out of the far too-narrow hole peering down, the Lycan is trying to squeeze through the narrow opening before sliding back down to the cave floor, unable to fit.

Looking at my ankle it is a bloody mess, the claws marks deep, and the cuts sting yet where he dug them in like fishhooks hurt the worst, those were almost to the bone. Groaning, I get to my feet, pushing away my grandmother’s fussing hands.

“Quick, show me,” My grandmother hisses, but I shake my head, nudging her to keep going.

“We haven't got time. Go,” I whisper, yell at her. She nods, climbing the rocky terrain as we try to go around them, each step painful as my ankle swells. We just need to get to the other side of the mountain, to where the beach is. The cliffside here is rocky and offers some cover, yet our scent would give us away quickly.

And it does immediately. To make matters worse, it is a full moon, which means the beasts chasing after us are at full strength. Grandma slips on some loose rock, and I barely catch her. Steadying her on her feet, I start pushing and dragging her around the mountain's edge when I hear growls coming from the direction we are running to. I freeze, and so does Grandma. My eyes dart around nervously, trying to spot them while looking for another way, but I only see a small landing before the cliff edge.

Grandma starts running down, sliding and skidding on the slick surface, and I follow, thinking maybe she sees something I don't. Just as my feet hit the smooth rock below, claws slashing down the boulders make an awful sound, which sends my gaze up.

It is the first time I have seen a Lycan up close, and they are more terrifying than I ever thought imaginable. It stalks us, and I take a step back, and Grandma clutches my arm tightly. Another feral growl comes from the side of us, and my head turns. There is another one.

My head whips from side to side, trying to watch both, when my grandmother lets go of my arm. For some odd reason, I take my eyes off the Lycans to see her smile.


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