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Unwanted Mate Of The Lycan Kings (by jessica hall) novel Chapter 30

“Correct. Once the rules are written, they can not be changed, so choose wisely, Regan.” King Regan looks at his father, and his eyes glaze over. My eyes dart to the King, who also has the same faraway expression on his face. And I know somehow they can communicate that way because it’s like their auras merge briefly. King Theron nods once to his son, and Regan turns back to look at Zeke, who he is chest to chest with.

“Move! I will only ask once!” Regan sneers, and Zeke glares at him.

“Fucking pussy!” Zeke growls back, barging past him with his shoulder to stand behind him. Yet it makes me curious as to why they are fighting when they each got to pick two. My stomach sinks when I see Regan read the current rules. His eyes flicker, but he says nothing. Instead, writing on the board and tossing the marker at Zeke. It bounces off his chest, and he just catches it, and Zeke storms over to look at what he wrote. A feral snarl tears out of him, when he suddenly smiles wickedly.

“Very well,” Zeke sneers, scribbling his two rules.

Regan takes his seat and glares at me when Zeke saunters over, holding the marker out to me.

“Choose wisely. You only get one, love!” Zeke taunts. I instantly know what I will choose for them to keep their grubby paws off me!

Getting up, I move to the board, feeling their eyes on me. My eyes go to the rules first that the King set out on the groom’s side.

1: Can’t kill the bride.

2: Must remain faithful.

3: Must plan a date when the bride is in their care.

I nearly snort as I keep reading. It was like the King was just trying to find any rule to give them to force them to try to make this sham marriage work.

4. Must share a bed with their bride.

5. No pornography in her presence.

6. Dinners must be in the dining hall, and all three grooms must be in attendance.

7. The Kings must take her outside at least once daily and not confine her to their rooms.

8. Must ensure she eats three meals a day.

9. Kings are to run the kingdom TOGETHER as one while I am gone.

The ninth rule makes me frown. If they are to compete, why must they work together? However, when I see the 10th rule I’m supposed to make, it is already filled in, but with different handwriting, I gasp. My mouth opens in shock when I realize it isn’t King Theron’s handwriting and Zeke definitely wouldn’t have written it, meaning it was King Regan.

10. The Kings will not force her to have sex with them.

My eyes dart to Regan, who has turned his chair slightly and is watching me with an indecipherable expression on his face.

Glancing at my side and the rules set out, I read the rules the King has written. The first three rules are the same as the Kings.

1: I can’t kill the Kings.

2: I must remain faithful.

3. I must share a bed with the Kings.

The fourth is different.

4. I cannot run away.

I swallow when I see the next five rules. My brows furrow, and I glance at King Regan. He gave up one of his rules and added one to their side. But why?

5: The Bride must bathe her Kings.

I grit my teeth, not wanting to be near them, and I definitely don’t want to wash them.

6: The bride must eat and drink whatever the King whose care she is in.

I shake my head and move to the next. Lyon’s weren’t too bad, though the bathing one makes me want to scream in anger. I come to the next rule, which I know by the handwriting is King Regan’s.

7: She must hand back our wolves and not use them against us.

Wouldn’t that be two rules?

My stomach sinks at that one, knowing their wolves are my only protection, yet nothing makes my blood run colder than seeing the two rules Zeke chose.

8: If the bride breaks any rules or embarrasses the Kings or causes what we deem as trouble within the Kingdom, the assigned daily King can pick her punishment.

9: The bride can’t refuse their touch or affections.

My mouth opens at Zeke’s last rule, and my heart rate quickens. Zeke must know where my mind went because he speaks before I can ask the King.

“Father said as long as they don’t go against his rules, they’re allowed.” I press my lips in a line.

“Your rule is basically the same thing!” I snap at him, and King Regan turns his head to look at his brother.

“What’s the rule?” King Regan asks, his eyes trained on his brother, and King Theron looks at me.

“Read the rule out. Is it one of mine it goes against?” King Theron states.

“No, it’s…” I start to say when King Regan, who is glaring at his brother, speaks up.

“It’s mine!” Regan snarls.

Glaring at Zeke, I read the rule. “9: The Bride can’t refuse their touch or affections.”

“That doesn’t contradict my rules, or the one Regan added to your side. Marriages have physical and sexual contact. They are to remain faithful. I can’t expect them not to have some of their needs met, Zirah. Please do try to understand, dear. They can’t have sex with you, Regan assured that.” My eyes prick with tears as I glare at the board, knowing I can’t change it.

“But it’s the same thing,” I tell him, looking at the King. His eyes soften, and he looks down at his hands and curses.

“That is my mistake, dear. It never occurred to me, but I made the rule that the rules can’t be changed,” he says, looking genuinely angry with himself before he turns his head to glare at Zeke.

My eyes move to the three Kings. King Regan looks furious, Zeke looks smug as a pig in shit, and Lyon. He is staring down at the table when he looks at Regan.

“Let me or Regan add conditions to it,” Lyon speaks abruptly, looking at Regan.


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