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Unwanted Mate Of The Lycan Kings (by jessica hall) novel Chapter 93


The city lights twinkle in the darkness as we make our way home, having spent the day with Kelly. The glow of the stars reflecting off the slick streets that are still wet from the evening rainfall. The air is heavy with the scent of damp earth, a comforting scent that reminds me of back home in the caves.

Regan has been strangely quiet since we left Kelly's shop, his silence is cutting, his aura rising more and more as the day went on, only to be replaced by his brooding silence. His arm is draped protectively around my shoulders, his touch warm and solid, yet there's a tension in him that sets off warning bells in my head.

"Regan," I begin, breaking the silence. He doesn't respond, his gaze firmly fixed on the road ahead. "Regan," I say a little more firmly, and this time he turns to look at me. There's a shadow in his eyes, something I've never seen before, and it makes my heart clench with unease. He looks at me, the same shadow in his eyes that I'd seen before still present. It makes my chest ache as though an invisible force is squeezing all of the air from my lungs as I stare back at him, so much going on inside his aura it's almost as if he is at war with himself.

"What did your uncle mean when he said some of them weren't deserving of me?" I question, my voice barely above a whisper. "What will I find when I visit Zeke and Lyon's kingdoms?"

I watch his expression change; an emotion that I can't quite place flickers across his handsome features, like lightning on a stormy night.

He inhales deeply, his fingers now intertwined with mine like a lifeline to something safe and familiar. Regan finally opens his mouth, but not with words. It's a sigh filled with what feels like weariness and regret. "I haven't been to their kingdoms in years, Zirah. Not since... well, not for a long time," he confesses, his voice heavy with an emotion I can't quite name. But no matter how much I probe it's clear he won't give away any more than that.

Gnash's fur brushes my leg and I glance down at him, running my fingers through his soft fur, when Regan speaks again.

"But I do know that if we go to war with the vampire kingdom, we'll be outnumbered, your only chance of beating the Vampiric King is with our kingdoms behind you. It’s the only reason he hasn't challenged us for our kingdoms before now, he knows he stands no chance. Guaranteed, word has gotten back to him and he'll be planning an attack, looking for a weak spot. He'll be waiting for you to slip up or cast us out, that is when he'll attack."

The oppressive silence on our journey home seemed to echo the weight of his words. I had been thrust into a war that I was not prepared for, and yet, I had no choice but to strive forward.

"It's decided then," I breathe out, my voice strong despite the trembling in my heart. "We'll visit each of the kingdoms and see who is worthy and who isn't."

Regan studies me with surprise in his gaze, his eyebrows furrow as he attempts to form a response. He opened his mouth only to close it again; I watched as he drew in a deep breath and shook his head. "Are you sure about this, Zirah?" he asks.

"Positive," I respond. "We can start with yours."

Regan seems to consider his words as he opens his mouth to speak before promptly closing it again. He swallows thickly before shaking his head gently.

"No, Lyon's kingdom is closer," he said quickly, directing the conversation away from his own. His change in demeanor alarms me - why was he so hesitant? But I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt for now. We would soon find out what secrets were being kept within his kingdom walls. I just hope I haven't made a mistake.


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