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Virginity in second marriages by Angela novel Chapter 1359

Anna bought her tickets far away, bought them at a distance on purpose, and the two of them had to sit on the train for almost two full days.

Originally Anna had found it easy to fend for herself.

But now that Matthew was there to watch over her, she regretted a little that she had bought it too long.

If she had known she would be followed, she should have bought a shorter ticket and left separately when she arrived at the station.

At first Anna kept crying, and there was an eerie silence around her.

Later, when she was tired of crying, Anna fell asleep under the covers.

When she woke up, she did not know how much time had passed, but the train was still moving, but the sky was already as white as a fish's belly, so Anna guessed that she had slept for a few hours.

Her eyes were not as sore as before, but they were still uncomfortable, and she had not slept much lately.

Anna blinked her eyes and closed them involuntarily.

After a while, she suddenly felt as if there was something wrong, as if something was close to her back, warm and cozy.

Thinking back, Anna quickly responded.

It was ...... Matthew's back.

After realizing that it was Matteo's back, Anna felt her body freeze.

Was he really lying on his side? How long had he been lying there? And had she never known that before?

Matteo's back was warm and wide, giving the impression of safety.

But ......

"Wake up?"

Anna was thinking about it when Matteo's voice suddenly rang out, low, and because their shoulders touched, Anna could still faintly feel the vibration of his back as he spoke.

He was asking her.

But Anna did not move, just lay there in silence and did not answer him.

"Are you still angry with me?"


Anna half-closed her lips, if only it was only anger.

At least, it would always go away. But she wasn't just angry, she was sad, heartbroken, but how could that be good?

When she did not answer, Matthew sighed silently inwardly.

What a long breath this little girl had, she hadn't calmed down until now and wouldn't say a word to him.

So the two of them lay back to back in silence, Anna cold and lying down with her body like a block of ice, and Matthew warm, and he had not wanted to lie down before.

But when he noticed that the girl was not sleeping warmly, he lay down and put his back against her, using himself as a warmer and passing her body heat through the touch of his back.

Gradually, Anna's body warmed up as well.

But there was nothing to say, and they stood there in silence.

The train went on, going nowhere, and Anna's mind was lost in the moment.

Finally, she closed her eyes and fell asleep again.

When she woke up again, it was already dawn.

Someone was selling breakfast on the train.

As they passed by their side, several people beside her bought it, and Matthew sat up, Anna heard those hawk sounds and lay down.

"Hungry? Do you want something to eat?"

Matteo's voice came again.

Anna ignored him, not even wanting to eat with him here.

If he had not followed her, Anna might have been interested in getting some, but whether she would eat it when he returned was uncertain.


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