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Wanna Remarry Me?No Way! novel Chapter 157

Linda could not argue with Elisa in this setting. Furthermore, she did not know about Julia's aversion to jade bracelets. She could not understand how this gift ended up ruining her.

Julia, who had been silent all this while, suddenly burst into fury and yelled, "Tell her to leave. I don't want to see her again! Get out!"

Elisa held Julia's hand and said with a panicked voice, "Grandma, I'm sorry. It's my fault."

Her face was full of regret as if she blamed herself for not knowing Linda would not believe her warning. She seemed to regret warning Linda and causing this unfortunate incident.

Linda was bursting with fury.

That b*tch!

Julia was shaking and was on the verge of losing her mind from anger. She gripped Elisa's hand tightly but did not say anything.

Monica saw the situation and feared Linda would never be able to marry Gareth after this. Thus, she said, "Mom, it happened so long ago, and you weren't at fault for what happened. Furthermore, this kind of jade will always be in production, so you can't avoid seeing them. Therefore, you must not keep dwelling on that matter!"

Gareth turned to Julia and said in a rare gentle tone, "Grandma, you mustn't keep grieving for the dead."

Grieving for the dead?

The crowd had a sudden realization. Grieving for the dead?

Could the dead be the younger son she had lost many years ago?

I heard that boy swallowed something which caused his death. Could it have something to do with this jade bracelet?

Even though no one explained what happened then, everyone could still guess.

Linda too guessed what had happened and turned pale.


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