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Wanna Remarry Me?No Way! novel Chapter 231

As the door slammed shut, Elisa collapsed to the ground. She felt sick to her stomach.

Just when she thought moving on was possible, Gareth barges back into her life —armed with nothing but poisonous words.

With clenched teeth, she finally allowed herself to weep.

Elisa lowered her head and hugged her legs close.

Her sobs were interrupted by each shaky breath. She buried her face into her arms.

At that moment, Gareth had reached the elevator’s entrance. His expression was no better than Elisa’s; his haggard expression made him look old.

God knows how much he wanted to hit Elisa with those words she spoke.

The elevator descended, and Gareth’s mind was full of thoughts.

It was the first time he saw Elisa so angry. It seemed that he finally got under her skin.

Gareth closed his eyes. When the elevator door opened, he cleared his mind and no longer thought about the previous matter.


He came back to haunt him. By the time he sat in his car, regrets started to well up in him.

This is bad. Feelings don’t control me.

After all, he was never influenced by anything. Sensible, knows how to use people, resourceful, and knows how to keep a steady sail. It seemed that the storm had overthrown that composure.

But now...


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