It seemed as though Linda looked more disappointed, but she held it in.
Norman and Rose shut the door. They naturally couldn't be unwanted guests. Gareth got into the car and started the engine.
Linda pursed her lips and looked at Gareth. Her parents had repeated many times that he had a lot of work to do. Of course, she couldn't say the same thing again. She would be too long-winded.
But at this moment, she didn't know what topic she should talk about, nor did she know how to close the distance between the two of them.
Thinking about it, her eyes lit up. She thought of it!
Looking at the bad traffic outside, Linda's lips curved a little. "Garry, do you remember when we were little?"
Gareth answered indifferently as he was driving. "Why?"
Linda giggled. "I remember that we used to play together. It seems like our childhood was the happiest. There were many children in the past that would turn up at parties. It's not like it is now, where everyone is trying to outwit each other. Everyone had sincere and honest naivete. I really miss those times."
Gareth's eyes flashed a little as he unconsciously thought about his childhood.
And he and Elisa at the time.
Gareth suddenly stomped on the brakes.
Linda's body rushed forward abruptly, but thankfully she had her seatbelt on.
The car in front braked suddenly. The red lights from the car in front made him come to his senses. He stepped on the brakes at once.
At that moment, he lost his mind.
Gareth pursed his lips while Linda said at once, "Garry, are you too tired? Or did the car in front brake too suddenly?"
Gareth was calm. "I'm fine."
Linda looked at him with some suspicion in her eyes. Did he... recall something just now?
The readers' comments on the novel: Wanna Remarry Me?No Way!