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Wanna Remarry Me?No Way! novel Chapter 378


It sounded like something had blasted!

Gareth immediately grabbed Elisa's hand and pulled her to the other side. Elisa's eyes shook with fright, and she let him pull her along. They arrived at the cockpit soon after. The captain was in a frenzy, but he was trying to pacify the situation when he heard the commotion outside. However, no one was listening to him.

After the pinging sounds, people had already started looking out the windows!

"There's someone! Someone's attacking us!! They're shooting at us!!"

"AHHHH!!" Screams and shouts started arising from the passengers.

Everyone was starting to freak out!

Some of the flight attendants had started to sob and were crying, "What do we do… Why is this happening to us? Will we survive this?"

"I'm so scared… Ahh!!!" One of the flight attendants' cries were broadcasted to the whole plane, and it threw the passengers into even more turmoil!

Outside, three green helicopters were surrounding their plane. Many of the people in the helicopters had guns and were aiming at them.

The captain turned the microphone off and scolded the flight attendant, "Anyone can panic, but not us!"

The flight attendants were shocked into solemnness.

They were afraid to say anything, but one said in a panic, "What do we do? Should we get the passengers to jump off...?"


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