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Wanna Remarry Me?No Way! novel Chapter 543

She was an insider, so of course, she knew!

Benett Corporation passed this project to Elisa because they knew it was bound to fail. Even if it did go through, Benett Corporation wouldn't have the right people for the job. What would they do then? Weren't they just playing her? Elisa wasn't someone that would let that happen. She wasn't going to make this work. But… where is she getting her confidence from, and what will she do?

Rachel glanced at Elisa with a meaningful gaze. Cold sweat was breaking out just from thinking about it.

Elisa seemed unbothered as she replied with a beam, "You might see it as a question, but to me, it's not something that I put to heart."

Sean raised a brow and waited for her to continue silently.

"Benett Corporation deals with wood and is prospering in all aspects. From the data I have, no corporation can say they have the same revenue as us. But ignoring that, Benett Corporation also deals with many other things that are still being developed. I can say for sure that the project I showed you is unique, and no one else would even think about it."

Sean raised his eyes, and the lines on his forehead deepened significantly.

"You might think you're prioritizing your family and peace by letting go of your wishes, but one lie would bring a travesty to the family. Who will be willing to take on such a challenge?"

Elisa smiled, but Rachel was jittery to the side.

"As for this project you've devised, it only benefits the rich. But think about it, how many of those people can actually afford to pick up this challenge? Who will do it? Once it becomes open to the public, their family will break apart, and you'll be the instigator."

Rachel was sweating bullets from her forehead. Sean's questions were becoming increasingly invasive; this was just his first point.

How will Elisa reply to such a tricky question?


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