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Wanna Remarry Me?No Way! novel Chapter 563

Elisa tried hard not to laugh.

Rachel was unrelentless. She laughed aloud, "This man is just clowning at this point. Hey, do me a favor. If he ever starts begging you back, just slap him. Although, I'll be behind you to capture that glorious moment on camera."

"You're too much," Elisa said. "This man is hopeless in finding a wife." Rachel hollered.

But what if he did?

Don't be ridiculous, Elisa.

A smirk crept on Rachel's smile, "To tell you the truth, I've noticed Gareth has been more attentive to you. No? Well, it was no better than before. He would just straight up ignore you." She retouched her mascara, "Don't worry, girl. You have all my attention."

"Well, there was a motive for his changed demeanor." Elisa curled her lips. It was more believable to have Mr. Darcey being serious with her than presume Gareth was even remotely interested in her. Yet, even if he truly wanted to save her, she wasn't against it. He did all this for his mother's sake, of course.

She will never allow herself to be his personal fool again. Elisa had had enough of her feelings being trampled by that heartless oaf.

"Come on, Elisa. The Wickams and Benetts are finished. There won't be any truce coming."

Rachel couldn't help but remember her time in the hospital.

"You know, when you were unconscious," she sighed. "Gareth had ordered Jeremy Chase to visit you on his behalf."


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