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Wanna Remarry Me?No Way! novel Chapter 565

Rose went mad with anger, "That family keeps crossing the line!"

Norman rasped, "How is Linda doing?"

"She's barely eating, or drinking. I took her phone when I saw the situation on Twitter."

"We have to defend ourselves!"

"Be prepared at the police station. Do not agree or deny any of their statements until I get our lawyer." She fidgeted, "Act calm. Don't give in to the interrogators. Remember, you had nothing to do with that incident."

Norman replied, "You need to make preparations for Linda since the situation in our family is dire right now. I'll plea for insanity. They'll most likely transfer her to another hospital."


Rose was baffled by what her husband was insinuating.

Norman insisted, "Linda is in no shape to defend herself in court. Her best chance is to plead for insanity and claim she is mentally ill. Besides, we can't help her."

Rose took a deep breath. It was clearly stated on Twitter that this incident had something to do with Linda, but the police called Norman, so someone snitched. There was a traitor amongst him.

Rose sighed, "Okay, I'll prepare Linda right now." It was too late to berate him with questions.

The two hung up the phone, and Rose quickly gave the assistant the green light to complete the paperwork before she headed back to the ward.

Rose became agitated. She noticed that Linda had stood up and was frantically searching for her cell phone.


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