Others would have looked at Julia strangely if they had heard her.
Only Julia would dare to say such words to Gareth.
How would anyone else dare?
Was Gareth an unwanted bachelor?
No way! If all the women who desired him lined up, the line would extend beyond Bayswe and into many provinces.
Numerous women were desperate for a chance to marry Gareth. However, Gareth paid no attention to them.
Julia looked at her grandson and asked worriedly, "How's the situation in the company?"
Elisa kept mum.
Gareth answered calmly, "Everything's fine. The other side gave up when they reached the final layer of security."
"They gave up at the final layer? They broke through nineteen layers only to give up at the last one?" Julia found the matter strange.
"Yes." Gareth did not feel like explaining the matter. "Grandma, you don't have to concern yourself with matters of the company."
"Hmph, I'm just curious. Whether the company goes bankrupt has nothing to do with me. I would rather return to when we were poor. At least our family was warm then." Julia did not care about money. She only wanted her family's company and warmth.
Unfortunately, it was an impossible dream, and Julia had given up on it.
Elisa smiled and held Julia's arm. "Grandma, shall we walk a little more?"
"Sure." Julia did not wish to speak to her grandson anymore. She held Elisa's hand and walked ahead. At the same time, she did not forget to say, "You should leave if there's nothing else. Elisa and I would like to have a walk. Your presence is bothering us."
Gareth was rendered speechless.
Elisa could not help but be amused. Her eyes crinkled slightly as she smiled.
Gareth could not resist looking at her.
Julia turned and noticed how Gareth was looking at Elisa. Her eyes flashed with surprise.
Is my grandson serious this time?
The readers' comments on the novel: Wanna Remarry Me?No Way!