Linda knew her mother well. She would not act like this if it were not something dire. Her mother was usually able to keep calm.
Moreover, whenever she was too angry in the past, her mother would help her come up with ideas and settle her problems. Her mother had always been optimistic, no matter the situation.
But now, she was not acting like herself. Linda could feel that her mother has trying hard to hold herself back.
"It's alright. You only have to focus on regaining your health. Don't worry about anything else." Rose spoke calmly with a forceful smile.
"What news can I not take in at present? If you do not let me know, there will be one less person to give you ideas. No matter what, we are family. Who else can we rely on if not family?"
The fury in Rose escalated. Norman alone was enough to ruin the family!
Would they have to go through this if it was not for him?
She had the strong urge to tear him apart!
"I know. But we do not have anything urgent." Rose did not intend to tell Linda about it.
Linda frowned and studied Rose carefully. "You are lying."
"Why would I lie to you?" Rose was a little frustrated but could not show it to her daughter.
Linda took a slight breath and tried to change the subject. "How is the company doing?"
Just as she finished speaking, she noticed her mother's stunned expression.
The readers' comments on the novel: Wanna Remarry Me?No Way!