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Wanna Remarry Me?No Way! novel Chapter 777

It was an unidentified caller, but Linda picked it up immediately.

Without even waiting for her to reply, the caller said, "Prepare for the second thing tomorrow."

It was the high, sweet voice again.

Linda immediately asked, "What are you planning to do?"

She didn't notice the excitement and anticipation in her voice.

The caller chuckled. "Seems like you are ready to work together."

Rose frowned and shook her head at Linda, warning her to stay calm. However, Linda ignored her.

She tightened her grip on the phone and said, "As long as you make her pay without affecting me, I will work with you!"

The caller laughed again. "Since we are working together, I will protect my partner! You don't have to worry about that. As for Elisa, I've never once wished her well."

The sweet voice sounded sinister at that moment, but Linda overlooked that. Instead, she said in excitement, "Sure! I'll wait for your news tomorrow. It all depends on you now. I will give her a hard time as soon as I'm out!"

Linda had utterly lost her cool, ignoring Rose's signals.

Chapter 777 1


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