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Wanna Remarry Me?No Way! novel Chapter 87

It was a shame that the audience couldn't record the trial. Or else, they would have recorded every second of it and shared it for all to see!

None of them believed that Elisa would be putting up a fight. They were just there for the entertainment.

The speaker finished his concise presentation on the case.

The calm judge spoke, "Does the defence counsel have any objections against the prosecution?"

Vincent, who had expected the opposition to bring up the points, spoke up confidently, "We object."

Gareth sat in his seat, but his mind was wandering. His gaze was fixed on Elisa.

Will's eyebrow twitched as he looked on with amusement.

"We have five points to argue against the prosecution's charges. Firstly, according to the Contract Law and the 'General Principles of the Civil Law', any properties on the virtual network are protected. In this case…"

He explained the five points clearly, leaving no room for argument.

The audience felt that Will Darcey would unquestionably lose the case.

When Vincent finished speaking, Elisa seemed unruffled.

"Forgive me for saying so, but the five points that you have presented were all unfounded."


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