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Want You in My Life novel Chapter 196

"Mrs. Alline, I think you can have a bowl of this soup every time I make it. Besides, you haven't come back for a long time. I think you should miss it very much, so I made this fish soup. If you like, Mrs. Alline, I will cook it for you every day! In fact, Zelda likes Alline very much. Alline was about twenty years old, but she was a calm woman. She was neither arrogant nor willful. Even in Juan Garden, she would never scold anyone. Of course, if she made a mistake, her means were also unbearable. For example, last time when her mobile phone was passively attacked, she directly scolded everyone. When she used her power and power, people would feel panic, and at the same time, they could not help but secretly admired her.

Alline held a bowl of soup in her hand, "Thank you, Zelda. I'll tell you in advance if I want to drink! The most important thing was whether she could stay in L city or not. She was right. The matter was in the control of Hiram, so she didn't want to give a direct reply.

After dinner, Alline forced herself to eat more, in case of wasting Zelda's kindness. After dinner, she thanked Zelda and went upstairs. When she returned to her room, she also had nothing to do, which made her feel bored.

Turning on the TV, changing channels, changing channels again, and finally changing almost all the channels, and finally leaving them on a drama channel. The players were laughing on the screen, but she didn't show any smile on her face. She looked at them expressionlessly, frowning, as if it was a very strange thing. She pursed her lips, and the corners of her mouth quickly pulled into a straight line.

Finally, she couldn't stand it anymore. She took out her phone and wanted to call Hiram to ask about Rebecca.

But when she picked it up, she hesitated again. If Rebecca was safe, Jenny would call back. But Jenny had never called back. Was Rebecca not in a good condition? She sat up from the sofa and walked back and forth. This inexplicable feeling had been bothering her, as if this feeling wanted to tear her apart.

It was not until a call from Cathy broke the silence that Cathy's voice was as gentle as ever, making it hard to tell her true emotions, "Alline, what are you doing? "

"I'm so boring! Alline replied.

"Let's play the game! Cathy was straightforward.

"Okay, but Cathy, are you okay last night? She clearly remembered Cathy's gaffe last night. She sent several messages to her in the afternoon, but she didn't reply. Alline thought she was busy, so she didn't call her.

There was a moment of silence on the other side of the phone. Then Cathy said as if nothing had happened, "What do you think I can do? Just take it as what I did yesterday! I'll wait for you in the game! Then she hung up the phone.

Alline didn't have time to refute. She sighed and knew that Cathy must be stimulated. She wanted to call Austin to ask about the situation, but Austin was still on the phone. She had no choice but to play the game first.

As soon as they arrived at the OD, Cathy called them directly, "Kill them! "

Alline nodded. After she was ready, she played the game with Cathy recklessly and wantonly, as if all the anger in her heart had turned into cruelty in the battlefield. It was rare that the two of them were not in a good state today. That madness made other players cry. Cathy was also a rich woman today, constantly buying machines. She had always been very powerful. Others were all making a fuss.

Damn you! Cathy cursed in her heart, but she didn't get rid of him. She looked terrible. She had a pleasant cooperation with Alline. After killing others in the game, she felt a little better, and that kind of violent impulse was completely suppressed. In fact, there was a reason why she lost control of her emotions today, because she saw Stephen. Cathy didn't understand that there were many men in the world. Why didn't she just give up him directly? She had been obsessed with him for so many years. There were many other man handsome than him, there were also many man came from a rich family better than him. He was such ab arrogant man. Was she blind? Why did she fall in love with him?

Cathy really couldn't figure it out. Now a few years had passed, and she felt that all the grudges should be dispersed. Unfortunately, she ignored Stephen's stubbornness. He looked at her as if he was going to kill her.

Although Cathy was used to all kinds of occasions and saw all kinds of people, she was still scared when she saw his undisguised disgust in his eyes. It seemed that there was a chill all over her body. The first sentence he said was, "Cathy, why are you still alive! His tone was as cold as ink, and her heart was getting colder and colder.

Cathy smiled carelessly and shrugged her shoulders, without any unhappiness. With a slight smile on her face and eyebrows, she said, "I have no choice. It's said that the scourge live for thousands of years. If I die, isn't your life too regretful? "

"Yes, if you died, how lonely my life would be. Who should I take revenge on? On the other hand, Stephen nodded. Her black eyes were shining with cold light, like an unbreakable ice current.

Chapter 196 Cathy, Why Didn't You Die (Part Two) 1

Chapter 196 Cathy, Why Didn't You Die (Part Two) 2


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