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We Are Meant To Be novel Chapter 128

Christy Zhong and Wen gazed at him with confusion. And they waited to see what he would say next.

Justin noticed they were both looking at him. He became even more talkative and excited. “Now that life will lose its savour when people grow up, surely I don’t want to grow up any more. I’m very satisfied with what I’m doing now. But you two do work really hard. You just said that time will go on no matter whether you like it or not. That is to say, I will become a grown-up sooner or later.”

In the end, the boy looked very reluctant.

His expression and remarks amused Christy and Wen. They wondered what the little boy was thinking all day. How could he be so strange? He was unique in terms of his thinking pattern, IQ as well as EQ.

Christy then thought of her two kids. Did they have such thoughts too? And she wanted to know whether they lived well somewhere.

But she didn’t have the time to think too much. There were so many things she had to deal with in her life.

Christy said deliberately, “Boy! You even began to think about how to escape your responsibility at such a young age! So you want your two moms to protect and support you all the times, right?”

Kids, especially small ones, should be implanted responsibility and obligations at a young age. That was the mainstream idea of society. If the kids were selfish and even did harm to society, it was their families who suffered most.

The reason why people reproduce was to carry on their family line. Parents brought up their children. And when the children grew up, they took care of their old parents. They didn’t care about whether it’s fair or not. Everyone did their part and then the society could be harmonious.

Justin glared at them. “Of course not. It’s difficult for me to communicate with you. I’ll grow up and you’ll become old. Time won’t favour someone or treat someone unfairly. So you must pay attention to your health and live well!”

He was so young. Why did he think so far and so much?

Anyway, it’s comforting for Christy and Wen to know that he was considerate to them. They exchanged a smile and joked him, “Don’t worry. We’ll take good care of ourselves and live longer. Then you can look after us in the future.”

“Deal. You should keep to your words,” said Justin seriously.

There was a very good atmosphere among them. If life could go on like this, they would be satisfied. Why did they have to think about growing up and getting old? If they could be in a good mood, everything in life was beautiful. And everything was promising.

They arrived on the first floor of a mall. People waited in long lines in some popular stores. It seemed that now people’s living standard rose, so they went out and relax themselves on weekends.

Life was not easy. It’s important to relax sometimes and then move on with energy.

Glancing at the food stores, Christy asked them, “Which one?”


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