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We Are Meant To Be novel Chapter 193

Christy answered quickly, "Yes."

Having gained James's order, she left the office quickly, she has made up her mind that whenever it was, she would always follow his order.

Christy closed the door quietly, while James staring at Tianyue and Zhenxi on the sofa, asked coldly, "Say it, what do you want me to do?"

He didn't expect them to be so in a rush. James stared at them, sneered, he should have pay respect to Tianyue, the man who was his father, yet it was sad that he couldn't.

Tianyue stared at him, said slightly, "I have no special requirement, just want you to hand over the work that we discussed yesterday to Zhenxi."

If it was really so, why did he come here in person? Whatever, James wouldn't get everything by now, after all, there were so many things to be handed over, it couldn't be done in an instant.

"Of course I will get it done, but it will be too rush, I've been dealing with urgent affairs, and I just come back now." James made everything clear, it was not that he didn't want to help, but he couldn't.

Time was valuable. if you have it, then that would be great, if not, no one could help it.

Tianyue and Zhenxi also knew about this, so they couldn't say anything more, yet the purpose they came here today was to cause pressure on James, reminding him that he should always keep this in mind.

Of course, James would keep this in mind, yet the reason was quite different.

He wanted to use this to remind him that there was always danger beside him, he had to keep alert always.

"Just take it easy, as long as you take this thing seriously, I'm assured." Tianyue didn't say anything else, he just mentioned it, then turned the topic, "give me the report form, I need to withdraw some money in advance."

He was not like discussing with James, he was sending orders to him. It was okay, after all, James was under his management, yet one thing he forgot was that to withdraw money from the company couldn't be done by anyone alone, besides, for such a big company, it should be really strict in their financial policy, everyone needed to obey it.

James looked up at him, asked indifferently, "do you mean the part of yours?" Then he suddenly thought of a thing, so he just said it out by this chance, "by the way, how did the finance apartment deal with the account you reported last time?"

As for Tianyue's financial affairs, James shouldn't question them, yet the director of the financial apartment came to him in person that day, which made him pay special attention to it.

As expected, his words caused Tianyue's anger, he replied coldly, "what? Do you want to interfere in your father's finance?"

This also made James angry, he retorted, "I don't want to get into your affairs, and I have no interest, but if it wasn't for you to be too much, I wouldn't know it. So just take care of your affairs, you know the consequence if the board of directors knows your behaviors."

That James said so was not to threaten him, but to tell him the truth, if it was really this, if he continued like this, he would get all that he deserved sooner or later.


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