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We Are Meant To Be novel Chapter 197

Christy didn't expect Wen would come to her help, she said with gratitude, "Wen, thanks to your help, or I really don't know what I would do."

Yes, there would always be so many troubles when she met the problems, and most of the time it was the girl beside her who helped her out or at least face up with her. The friendship between the two was really stronger than any other relationship.

"Christy, let's go, just follow your heart, and see what could they do to you," Wen said with a fierce look, she couldn't bear to see Christy be bullied. She had been living hard, how could they treat her so?

After Wen said this, she pulled Christy outside the house, Jiangdu Zhong said behind, "Christy, we are family, you must remember this."

Funny, why didn't they say they are family when they did those things to hurt Christy? Now when Christy was useful, they began to think of this? If so, what was the meaning of being a family?

The two didn't answer them anymore, it was meaningless, they'd better keep their energy.

It was just no sooner did they get out of the door than they saw Jing Lu came over from the other side, she saw Christy obviously, and stopped her quickly, "Stop!"

Wen didn't pay much attention to it, so she didn't see Jing, beside, she didn't work as the paparazzi for too long, and was not so family with those famous people like those sophisticated paparazzi.

Yet Christy knew clearly that Jing was calling her, she paused with a conditional reflection then turned slowly around.

"What?" Wen murmured beside her.

"The mother of Jame, Jing lu," Christy said to Wen in a low voice.

Hearing Christy's word, and saw the woman with a strong aura, Wen realized quickly that she ran into another famous person today.

After Christy turned around, she said cautiously, "Manager Lu."

Jing walked a few steps forward, until she reached Christy's side, stared at her, and asked coldly, "isn't now working time? What are you doing here?" Then backward a bit, and walked to the room that they just left.

Jiangdu and Jie were still there, the two were talking, she heard them say the words "Zhenxi Feng'.

Jie and Jiangdu recognized Jing, they hurried to greet her, "Nice to meet you, Manager Lu."

Of course, Jing didn't know them, there were so many people who knew her, yet the people she knew were limited.


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