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We Are Meant To Be novel Chapter 42

Looking at the cell phone ringing, Christy Zhong felt extremely uneasy. But where could she hide? Who would be her umbrella? She had to bear it all by herself.

But could she withstand repeated pressure? What if she couldn't bear it? No. It could not be like this. No matter what happened, she would stick to it.

Besides, this was a society that relied on wisdom and tolerance. She believed that things would eventually sort themselves out and would roll with the punches.

Christy took a deep breath. She thought for a while, then put James Feng's mobile phone back in his room, and quickly went back to her room to wash and sleep. Only with sufficient energy could be better cope with everything.

Christy thought she would have insomnia. After all, there were a lot of things that happened during the day, and this was a strange bed. She had got used to her bed, so naturally, it was impossible to sleep well. But to her surprise, she slept very peacefully, and it was the alarm clock that woke her up.

Maybe she was indeed tired these days. James's attitude seemed satisfactory last night.

She came to James's room. He had gotten up. He wore clean and comfortable sportswear that looked stylish and readied to go out for exercise.

"You go with me," James ordered coldly.

Ah?! Christy was completely unprepared. She only wore relatively neat pajamas. "I... I won't accompany you today, can I?" She said and looked at her clothes. She originally came out to see if James got up. If not, she would wake him up. Or just want to see if he got up on the wrong side of the bed.

James looked at her and said impatiently, "Let's go!"

The boss' orders couldn't be disobeyed. But She couldn't go out like this, so she begged, "Give me a minute!" Christy turned and rushed into the room, giving full play to the style of a tough girl. She put on her sportswear and quickly rushed out, while James was warming up slowly downstairs.

"Mr. Feng. Let's go." Christy said happily. She had such characteristics. Even if she knew that the pain was about to come, she still could live happily in this second.

Life was like this. What should come was always coming. You knew you would be unhappy next second, so why not be as happy as you could in this second? If something was unavoidable, and you were depressed, wasn't it about letting the bad things affected your life in advance?

James's pace was so fast that Christy felt a little unable to keep up. After all, she was still young and could barely keep the same pace as him.

Christy found an opportunity to tell James, "Mr. Feng. Your mother called last night and told you to go home with the child on the weekend, and..." She was out of breath and couldn't go on. Should she tell him about that? She was a little uncertain.

"Say it!" James ordered directly. He hated hesitation the most, and his pace didn't stop at all. He didn’t care if Christy could keep up with him. She was supposed to exercise with him, and it was not appropriate to influence his pace for her.

Since she had to say it, Christy took a grip on himself and blurted, "She said that she would come home and talk to me later."

Talked to her? This was ridiculous. Jing Lu just wanted to criticize her, wasn't it?


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