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Werewolf Compilations novel Chapter 129

"These doors are all empty bedrooms, guest rooms, and the last one down here was mine, but now it's ours."

Our bedroom. I swallow and make my way towards the double doors hesitantly with Eric behind me. Grabbing onto the handle, I turn it and push the door open. I glance back at Eric before slipping inside.

Light floods the room through two large windows on either side of the bed, and I wonder further in. Everything, every piece of furniture is delicately detailed, giving the room a charming aroma. These pieces must be passed down through generations. The bedding is gold and white with looks of being from a fairytale, and I carefully run my fingers along it. "This room is beautiful," I say back to him, though the bed is quite intimidating.

"I'm glad you like it, and I'm glad we finally have time alone."

I turn to look at him. Time alone? What does that mean? My lips part but words cannot seem to leave them. Slowly, he nears me and my fingers roll up into fists while my heart pauses.

"Where is she!"

The voice calling from downstairs tugs Eric's attention away and he says something under his breath. "We're up here Caroline!"

It's his sister. Quickly I straighten up, fix my clothes, tame my hair, then peer at Eric. Footsteps come pounding up the stairs and down the hallway until the door swings open and a girl, a couple years older than Eric, appears. "Is this her?" She asks him and he nods. "Oh wow, you're so beautiful."

I smile politely and she gives me a giant hug, trapping me in her strong hold. "Thank you," I squeeze out before she lets go.

"I'm Caroline, this one's older sister, but only by two years. I live just down the way with my good friend Olivia and I'm sure she'll love to meet you. You know, we could show you around the pack grounds!"

"Caroline," Eric warns but she waves him off.

"You can have her later, but now she needs to be with me. A girl needs other girls Eric. First, we can go get Olivia then we can wonder off..."

"Caroline, I'm not letting you take her out in the woods to get hurt. You and Olivia run out there all the time and come back with scratches and bruises. Isabella is not a pet dog you can shove in your purse and run off with."

She groans. "Only Olivia comes back all banged up because she insists on climbing the trees."

I stand between them, confused. "Well, I would love to spend time with you."

"See Eric, she wants to get to know me, let us take her under our wing. I promise we won't go out in the woods, only around pack grounds to show her where everything is. Please?"

He crosses his arms and looks over to me. "I want to trust you Caroline, but she is my mate and if anything happens to her..."

"Nothing will happen to her, only the gain of pack knowledge. We'll show her around while you catch up on Alpha duties. By dinner time she'll be back here with you okay?"

He sighs, "alright, Just please be careful. And if anything happens come get me, I'll be at the main post."

Caroline nods before taking me down the stairs and right out the door. I follow her down a pathway, which I'm guessing leads us to her friend Olivia. "So tell me about yourself, any siblings?"

"I have a younger sister, Kendra."

"Your parents?"

"My mom is back at my pack, and my dad died a while ago," I explain and she stops to look at me.

"Wow, I'm sorry."

I wave her off. "It's alright."

We continue along the path and I'm glad Caroline has taken an interest in me. At least she doesn't hate me like I worried would happen. It's nice having her here to comfort me while getting used to a new place and new people, oddly I feel like we are already friends. "So do you and your sister get along?"

"All the time, we never really fight," I say with a smile.

Chapter 129 1


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