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Werewolf’s Heartsong novel Chapter 131

Chapter 131

Alora’s POV

I was lounging on one of the couches in the Willow Tree Library reading a book about soul and spirit separation when Damien came in. He didn’t say anything just came over to the couch, I sit up enough for him to sit down, laying my head in his lap, I curl my knees up and rest the book against my knees.

With an elbow on the couch, his fist propped against his cheek, his other hand still petting my hair, he reads the book with me. It was one of the most peaceful moments for me, I knew life wouldn’t always be like this, we would have a lot of responsibilities in the future.

After several meetings with family leaders within my Clan and the reports gathered by Victor and his family through the years, I had come up with ideas on improving our Clan. I had the Luna help me asses the necessities of the Heartsongs Medical Clinic, and found only a few things needing improvement there. What needed the most improvement was our research lab. 2

For that I consulted with the heads of the Packs Labs, asking them to help me get the Lab up to date and set up with newer more advanced technology. Kass, Bulma and Bella all requested to be the ones to take over the magical research and apothecary themselves. O

I conceded as long as they involved Bryce and Daniel in the actual construction. I hired Bryce and Daniel to be the ones involved with any construction concerning the Mansion. Every bit of it was to be warded with protection magic, I wasn’t going to take this Clan’s future to chance. We were moving the dining halls to take up the second floor of the West wing.

The kitchens and the surrounding buffets would be in the center area, it was a large kitchen area and had many workers. Wolves and their mates, Vampires, witches and other Hybrids. There was even a Polar shifter, his mate was a gray wolf who made the best desserts.

The Polar knew how to grill, and large, he stood at seven foot seven, his mate, taller then me at six foot six, looked small next to this large muscular shifter. He was purely a sweetheart, I watched the care he took with his mate and their children. They had eleven children, most of them had joined the Clan Enforcers, providing protection for the Clan, three were cooks with their parents, loving the work like their parents did. I had seen them all train, they were all strong and smart. 2

Our Clan was extremely diverse in the skills of it’s members, so all the Plans I had were to make those skills shine and become lucrative for each wolf and the Clan. This entire week had been full, training, consulting, planning, meetings, and spending time with my family. Damien was with me through it all, staying by my side, offering his advice whenever he could. Right now was one of the times I had decided to take a break and decided to read.

The book I was reading had been sitting on the table in f t of this couch, so I had decided to read it because it was already there, and the subject had caught my interest. This was telling me how to separate a soul or a spirit from it’s original owner. It was like the fire spells that killed Bettina and Allister. Their wolf spirits were separated from them, their human souls were dragged to the Netherworld, while their wolves souls went back to the Moon Goddess. 3


The spell I was reading was how to separate a pure soul from a tainted soul, without causing death. It seemed somewhat barbaric, but leaving a pure soul at the mercy of an evil one, didn’t sit right to me. So I decided the information would be useful, in case I ran into something like that in the future. It had a warning though, the spell only worked if one soul was purely good, the other evil, the result if they were not, was the death of both.

“That is a very interesting spell,” my mate says suddenly.

I nod, the back of my head rubbing against his thigh as I do. “I though so too, but look at this warning, this is definitely not a spell you play around with on a whim, it is a very serious spell.” I tell him. 2



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