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Werewolf’s Heartsong novel Chapter 148

Chapter 148

Damien’s POV

Nearing the end of breakfast, Cathel had Sunny’s complete attention. Despite being abused, and everything we knew of, that she had gone through, she seemed to have been able to retain her almost child like innocence. We could see it in all it’s glory as she asked Cathel question after question, and Cathel gladly answered, asking her questions as well. They were both just so curious about each others worlds, if I had to use a word, I would say they were adorable.

Asher seemed to look a little dejected about not having Sunny’s full attention anymore. Zane, having been alert to everything around us the moment we woke, chuckled. ‘The poor pup…. he’s having to learn the hard way to share.’ He says.

I snort internally at his comment ‘And we didn’t?’ I asked in an a wry tone.

Zane goes still, the look on his face, even as a wolf, was very clearly of annoyance and offence ‘What are you talking about, I’ve always been able to share.’ He says in and uppity tone. How a wolf could sound that way, was beyond me, but Zane managed it.

‘I seem to recall you being overly whiney whenever Alora or Xena, paid Darien and his wolf Axel a lot of attention, you would sulk for days.’I remind him in an amused tone. Zane huffs at my comment, but he doesn’t reply.

Once we got back to the hotel, Alora and I got to watch poor Asher, look like his sunshine was being taken away from him. Sunny had decided to ride with my in-law’s and Cathel, only because she didn’t want to stop her conversation with the inquisitive little Vampire, Witch Hybrid. Asher could have gone with them, but he had questions…questions only Zane had the answers to.


Nathen was with us again. “What town are we stopping in tonight?” he asked me, as we buckles our seat belts. Making me freeze just as I was about to put the Jeep in drive.

Thinking about it, I cringe slightly. Where we were going to go to, was a crossover town operated by a neighboring Pack. The two wolves who had pulled Xander and I over, the night I claimed Alora, both had Clan’s in this Pack.

I wanted the two wolves to meet Alora and Beatrice, so they would know our anger at them that night was not personal. We also wanted to offer an apology in person, Xander and I had already paid the rightfully given fines, and apologized through the Alpha’s, but it didn’t feel like enough.


“We’ll be staying in another Pack’s territory tonight.” I tell him, Alora is giving me a suspicious look. She could feel my emotions, so there was no point in hiding my main reasons for stopping in this Pack’s territory.

“The two wolves who pulled Xander and I over, the night I was speeding to get back to you, belong to the Pack we’ll be staying with.” I tell her.

She smiles, understanding now why she was feeling, what she was through, our bond. “You want to


apologize in person.” she asks me, her voice soft and loving. Somehow, her smile and her voice wrap around me, bringing comfort.

Smiling, feeling at ease thanks to my mate, I say “Yes.” to her statement.

Her smile still in place, she looks at me. “Well we better get going then my darling mate.” She says, love in her tone.

I put the jeep in gear and off we go. Alora connected her phone to the jeeps deck and started one of her many playlists. She was in the mood for metal apparently, not my favorite, but she tolerated a few of my country songs before she had put in her head phones earlier, so I could listen to her choice in music. Besides, I didn’t mind what she was playing.

Remembering her actions earlier, I chuckle a little bit. She was okay through a Big and Ritch, a few Carrie Underwood’s, some Miranda Lambert and Faith Hill, even singing along to “This Kiss,’ but it didn’t last.

She broke when one of Tobey Keith’s newer songs came on. She sat up and grabbed her bag, digging frantically through it a moment before coming out with a pair of JLab ear buds. “This is the best invention ever, noise cancelling ear buds.” she said brightly. “So you can politely drown out your mates terrible taste in music.” these last words had almost been sung. O

I had laughed loudly at her antics and told her “Okay my darling Starlight, go to your happy place.” Smiling, she had put her ear buds in and listened to her own music, for the rest of the time I had control over the deck.



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