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Werewolf’s Heartsong novel Chapter 15

Chapter 15

Alora’s POV Con’d

We were walking to the area Darien said his parents wanted to meet us when I get the text. GO TO THE PRINCIPAL THIS INSTANT. YOU WILL HAVE YOUR NAME CHANGED BACK TO NORTHMOUNTAIN BEFORE YOU FIGHT IN THE NEXT EVENT!!!I laugh at the text. Darien looks down at me.

“What’s so funny?” I show him the text. He snorts. “Why would you ever want to change your name back?” he asks. “Not that you could in the next few minutes anyway, besides, your blood sworn into the pack under that name now anyway, you would have to take another blood oath with the Alpha.”

“And your dad being the Alpha is not a push over, he won’t do it unless I want to, and he more than knows how much I love my new name.” he nod’s “You’re right.” another text comes in WE WILL SEE YOU IN THE OFFICE, IF YOU DON’T GET THERE IN THE NEXT FIVE MINUTES YOU WILL REGRET IT WHEN YOU GET BACK TO THE HOUSE!!! I show him the new text.

“At least we know where they’re going to be for most of the break,” he pauses. “At least till they get tired of waiting and come looking for you.” his tone dry.” I wish we knew where Sarah was going to be so we could avoid that she-bitch.” Serenity comments. We look at her for a moment in shock before we laugh. “I like her Darien, I’m glad she’s your mate.”

He smiles in pride, preening a little.

“I’m glad she’s my mate as well.” Serenity giggles, her brothers are both smiling. I look at them “How do you two feel about them being together.” I ask “As long as he does and acts as a mate should we have no problem.” said Kian. “We just want her happy and loved.” was Galen’s reply.

We hear Darien’s name hollered. We see his mom and dad, our Alpha and Luna. Serenity grabs onto Darien’s arm and looks up at him, scared. “Do you think they’ll like me?” her voice small, worried. “Don’t worry, they’ll love you.” he kisses her forehead. “You sure?” he smiles lovingly at her. “I promise.” She smiles, her eyes soft with emotion. “Ok.”

We get to Alpha Andrew and Luna Ember. I’m surprised at first when the Alpha grabs me into a hug. “You did amazing today, I’m so proud of you

Alora.” he says. I hug him back after a moment, so grateful for the affection. My “Thank you.” was for more than the words. He lets me go and Luna Ember is there to offer me her own hug. She hugs me like I’m one of her children.

It felt so good to be hugged like this. It completely breaks down my defenses. She lets me go still holding my upper arms she looks at me. “You did so well today.” She praises. Smiling she looks me up and down before putting a hand on my cheek. “You’ve grown up so much, you’ve become a wonderful she-wolf before my eyes.” I can’t help thinking this was how my mother should have been treating me.

I sniff, my heart full of emotion at their kindness and affection, at the same time I’m sad because I should have had this all along from my


parents. “Thank you, I can’t tell you how much it means to me.” she pets my head. “We’ll be here for you sweetie. And we will support you.” sniffing I look at Darien. “Have you met Serenity.” I ask them.D

Darien brings Serenity and Ember grabs her up. “Oh! look at how darling you are, my goodness look at all that beautiful red hair. My girl I saw you put Matthew in his place during your match and I must say it was a wonderful sight.” this sends Serenity blushing her mumbled “thank you” barley audible. 3)

The Alpha chuckles, he takes one of Serenity’s hands. “It’s lovely to meet you Serenity, you let me know if my son ever treats you wrong and Ill teach him a lesson in how to treat your mate.” Serenity is red from head to toe but she’s smiling.

Darien leans down to whisper loudly “See, I told you they would love you.” his smile mischievous and bright. His mother smacks him in the shoulder. “Behave young man.” This made everyone laugh. Galen and Kian are waiving to a couple. When they join us I see that it’s their parents. As the parents make their way over I look around a moment.


Across the field I see Matthew with his parents. I don’t see Sarah anywhere. She must be in the office with mommy and daddy dearest. Kian nudges me to get my attention, I look up at him, he’s motioning to his parents. It’s Galen who introduces me, “Mom this is Alora, she’s best friends with Darien and our and Serenity’s new friend.”

His mother Camille was once a Blackfire before mating into the Mountainmovers. When a she wolf


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