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Werewolf’s Heartsong novel Chapter 160


Alora’s POV con’d

As soon as Sunny touched the tree It was as if the sun was bursting out of her. Out of her back came beautiful golden gossamer butterfly wings, they extended the full length of her body. Then she began to grow, she grew by four inches, and her body filled out. She became a full figured woman. (?)

She looked in our direction, and her eyes were a glowing gold. She had two rings of bright molten gold in her iris now, one around her pupil, the other rimming the outside, the inside a darker gold. Her hair now laced with glittering strands of gold.

Sunny’s gaze lands on Asher, he’s standing their transfixed by the image he’s seeing. Sunny gasps and pulls her hand away from the tree. She shrinks back into the little Sunny we have come to know, but with a few additions. She now had a golden colored tattoo all along her back in the shape of her wings, and while they were no longer glowing, the strands of gold in her hair stayed. Though her irises turned back to a dark green, there were now two rings of gold. I think what we just saw was what she will grow up to look like.

Sunny suddenly sits on the ground blinking, she seemed stunned. Asher ran over, kneeling down he gather’s her up into his lap. “Hey, it’s ok, whatever just happened it’s okay. We are all here for you okay.” he says to her in a soothing voice.


She blinks up at him, confusion written all over her expressive face. “What did I just feel?…when I looked at you…I felt….”

Shush Sunshine. He says, carefully petting her head. “You’re still too young at the moment, for now….” he stops, seeming to think for a moment, then he smiles and snaps his fingers “think of me as your overly possessive protector for now. 2

She giggles. “Okay.” she putts her hand in her lap, griping her dress. Glancing up at him she blushes.”


“Come on little Sunshine, the party is going to start soon. Asher says to her.

My father, standing next to me heaves a sigh, I look at him and he’s looking at Asher and Sunny, his look full of worry. “Our son is going to have it rough for the next two years.” he says.


Stephanie pats him on his chest. “Don’t worry my dear, he’ll have plenty of family to surround and support him.” she says. She goes up on tip toe and presses a kiss to his cheek. “Speaking of our children, it’s almost time for Alora’s Ceremony to start my love.” she says with a loving smile.

Dad smiles at her. “Yes my dear.” he says to her.

-Stay by my side tonight, I don’t want anything to happen to you.” Asher says to Sunny, looking over I see they were both once more standing.


Sunny looks back at the tree with a worried look, she turns back and meets Asher’s eyes and nods. Sunny grips the skirt of her dress and looks down at the ground. She was very upset, and I felt sad, but how do we cheer her up.

“You looked so beautiful a moment ago, not that you don’t look pretty now because you do, but you’ll be a really pretty lady when you’re grown up. Oh! Look at your back, your wings are a tattoo, that’s so cool, I wish I had a tattoo, but vampire skin is early impervious to ink, so I could never have something as cool as this one, maybe something like big sis though. Your eyes are really cool now too, and you have gold in your hair now, you should take a picture and we can show you.” came Cathel’s long stream of words. I was beginning to wonder if he had some other way of breathing, with as long he was able to talk.

Sunny giggles and is now smiling. “Sure why don’t you take my picture.” she says to him.

Cathel turns and practically runs to a spot in front of her and Asher, then he turns around with his cell phone raised. Darien taps him on his shoulder, Cathel looks

up at him.

This one pup.” he says to Cathel, handing him his Canon EOS.

Cathel smiles, Thanks.” he says brightly.

Sunny leans into Asher’s side, getting a startled look from him. She holds up her fingers an makes the peace sign with one hand and smiles. Asher seeing her smile, smiles back looking down at her. Cathel takes the shot, and Astier looks up at him, a smile still on his face, Cathel snaps a second picture.


“Those should be great. Cathel says.


“Can I see?” Sunny asks. Letting go of Asher, she runs over to Cathel to look at the pictures.

As she ran passed, I caught her scent, I couldn’t smell her human scent anymore. Whatever had happened changed her blood, transforming her human cells. She was a full Fea now, the potential power she had now….once trained she would be a very formidable person. I look at my brother, he was very much a grown male. I could tell he was strong, and he was just as dedicated at his training as he had been his studies.

“What are you thinking mate?” Damien asked me.

“I’m thinking….the future…might not be so simple for my brother….” I trail off..

“And that worries you.” He stated.

I nod my head. “I do.” I say to him..



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