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Werewolf’s Heartsong novel Chapter 162


Damien’s POV

I was standing at the window of our bedroom in Blood Moon Castle, looking down at the moon lit court yard. We were leaving in the morning for home, and I couldn’t sleep. I was thinking about the meeting Alora and I had with her parents this afternoon.

After lunch they called us into her fathers study, they both looked grim and worried. “Mom? Dad? What is it?” Alora asked.

“We were talking with Alpha Andrew, and because of the history of the Black Magic Coven… Stephanie trails off.


“We think there are some spells that would be necessary for you to learn.” Her father says. “One your mother’s line came up with when they first split from the Black Magic Coven, the other is from my line, it’s one that is only ever used in the most extreme of circumstances.” He says.

I was distracted from my thoughts by Alora’s hands rubbing up my back, around my sides, settling on my chest as she pressed her naked breasts into my back. I was instantly hard, she moved one of her hands down my chest, over my stomach, going till she gripped me in her hand. She squeezed me, and I couldn’t help the groan I let out at the pleasure it brought me.


“Come to bed my darling.” she whispered against my back, laying a kiss against my spine, moving her hand down further to cup my balls, massaging them for a moment. I let out another groan of pleasure. “I have need of my mate.”

She releases me and backs away, I had absolutely no intention to turn her down. Besides, making love to my mate seemed like the perfect way to resolve my insomnia. Putting my worries to the back of my mind, I focus on devouring my mate, wringing cries of pleasure from her. It did the trick of allowing me to fall into dreamless sleep after I cleaned us both up.

Spooning her back, her head on my bicep, I put my other arm around her waist, and my hand over our growing pups. Everything I treasured right here in my arms.

Alora’s POV

The sun was shining brightly as we loaded up our things into the vehicles. Although all our vehicles were a lot dirtier than they had been when we first arrived. My brother’s and sister knew great places to go off road with the jeeps. Kass and I had taken our bikes to a track nearby and we had raced our bikes with the others.


Sunny had fun learning how to drive one from Asher. Her smile when she had ridden on the back of his bike the first time had brightened everyone’s experience. I

was kind of sad, all the memories I now had of this place in such a short time, had me reluctant to leave.


When mom had taken all of us to the custom tailor shop, we had all had so much fun, talking trying things on, getting suggestions. I actually had a second pair of

heels to go with the dress I wore for the Ceremony. Because if I was going to spend that much on a dress, I was wearing it more than once.


I now had a second set of heels, they were wedges to go with my dress, the wedge was covered in a black silk, and embroidered with more deep red roses. Mom had them custom made and had given them to me yesterday, saying she wanted me to have something to match the dress that I was comfortable wearing. That way, I would look forward to wearing the dress, instead of dreading it because of the heels that went with is. She already knew me so well, I nearly cried when she gave

them to, and all I could do was hug her, grateful for her really thoughtful gift.

Kass and Bella were grabbing their vehicles and what other things they were taking with them on their move back with us. Asher was going to be driving Galen’s Jeep, Nathen, Bryce and Daniel riding with him. Kian was going in Kass’s brand new jeep, a mating gift from mom and dad, along with the trailer to haul her bike in.

Bella had a tricked out and lifted Suburban, in the trailer attached to the back, was an ATV and a motocross bike. Kass had Bella’s road rocket on her trailer with her bike. Most of Bella’s SUV was filled with everything Kass and Bella were taking, only so much of it fitting in Kass’s jeep. Bella’s moms were hugging her and crying. telling her they were going to miss her. They told Galen that he better take care of their little girl. Galen invited them to come anytime, saying he would like to introduce them to his parents.

Cathei and Sunny were saying bye to each other, i think I was sad to leave him the most honestly. I absolutely adored my youngest brother, he was staying here with my parents. He was now in Warrior training with my father, it would be a few years before he was able to leave home. Because Asher, Nathen, Bryce and Daniel were also moving with us, we had our Jeep, Darien’s and Galen’s packed with their things. We were actually using the luggage racks on top of all the vehicles this time.

Cathel came over and I hugged him tight. I’ll miss you, but I’ll see you again in a few months.” I tell him.


“I promise.” I say.

He smiles. “Good, have a safe trip home!” he says, letting me go. Then he runs to the next sibling leaving. 2

Mom and Dad come over to me, each hugging me. “I miss you already, I haven’t had enough time with you yet.” Mom said. 2

I smiled at her. “I miss you too.” I tell her.

My father runs a hand over my braids, I had left them down today. “You take good care of yourself Alora, we’ll come to visit you again soon. We’ll also be there when it’s time for your pups to be born.” My fathers says.

“I’ll take care of myself, I promise.” then I look at Damien. Besides, I go this handsome Alpha by my side, he’ll make sure I’m happy.” I tell them, teasing my mate a little with my words.

My father laughed. “Damien, my son in-law, it seems you have your hands full with my daughter.”

Damien chuckles and smiles down at me. “Honestly sir…I wouldn’t have it any other way.” he says.


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