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Werewolf’s Heartsong novel Chapter 170

Chapter 170

King Sabastian’s POV

The glass shattered, the fragments raining down onto the floor from where it had hit the wall. A dent was left in the wall from the impact, I swept everything off my desk onto the floor and let out a roar of frustration and pain.

Stephanie and Cathel were off to the side sitting on a couch. Cathel was sitting in Stephanie’s lap, they were both crying. Cathel had his arms around Stephanie’s neck, his little hand petting her hair as tears fell down their cheeks in rivers.

My wife had been the one to hold it together and keep me calm at first, saying their was still hope. But with every report that came back with no findings, my son in law was desperately searching for her, he told me she was alive. He knew from the very faint traces he could get from their bond.


Stephanie had told me that the Black Magic Coven had spells that could silence even a fated mates bond, enough to convince the person being cut off, that their mate was dead. For some reason, Damien and Alora’s bond was able to connect them enough that he was aware of her life.

I truly think that if she wasn’t alive, Damien would have given up on life completely. Alora and him were a fated couple, bound by an infinity mating bond, to lose one of the pair to death, was to lose both. Unless their were children that needed their care. Only in this case, Damien’s first pups, where in my captured daughter’s belly, if she were to die, then they would die with her.

I picked up the heavy crystal paper wait and with a roar I threw it, it hit the wall where the earlier glass had hit it, and shattered upon impact, damaging the wall further. More fragments raining down onto the floor. I fell heavily into the seat of my chair, I covered my face with my hands. My daughter was in the hands of monster, and there was nothing I could do to save her right now. I was feeling helpless, and every second my daughter was gone, the pain in my heart grew. 5

“Goddess, please, have mercy upon my family and my daughters, please bring my daughter back to us.” I prayed internally.

I felt a tug on my sleeve and I looked up to meet Cathel’s eyes, he had a serious look on his face. His cheeks and eyelashes wet from tears, his eyes and nose red and slightly puffy. With a determined expression, and a pat on my shoulder he said. “Don’t worry daddy, big sis Alora is strong, so is big brother Damien, she’ll come home to us.” Tears were in his voice.


I wrapped my arms around him and brought him onto my lap as I hugged him for a while. Stephanie came over and wrapped her arms around the both of us. “Like Cathel said, Alora’s strong, and we gave her those spells, and the rings.” she said, in a soft voice filled with sorrow and compassion.

I looked into her golden tear filled eyes, and I could see an unshakable belief in her gaze. She truly believed we would find Alora, and get her back from wherever she was. If Stephanie and Cathel still believed this….then I would not give up on my own belief. With this renewal of that belief I let my family comfort me for a little while longer.

I may be a powerful king, but at the end of the day I was just like any other male who loved his mate and children. This made me understand the grief of parents who have had children go missing on a whole new level. How frantic and powerless they felt. I felt how hopelessness could settle into your heart like a black cloud, as more and more days went by while your child remained missing.

“I’m going to meditate for a while, I need complete silence while I do.” I told Stephanie.

She looked at me, studying my expression, and feeling my emotions, finally she nodded. “Okay, Cathel and I will go to my studio, I feel like crafting something, and Cathel could put his creativity to use.” she said.

I looked down at Cathel, he had a speculative look on his face, and doing the same thing his mother had done, he looked at my expression for a while before finally nodding. “Okay, I’ll go with mom, I can make something for Alora and her pups,” he said and then he gave me a hug before hopping out of my lap. “Love you dad.”

I smiled at him. “I love you too son.”

With that my mate left with our son. I got up out of my desk chair, and went to sit on the circular rug in front of the balcony doors. The windows were open and the wind was blowing in the scent of the blooming flowers and a thunder storm. Taking in deep breaths, I let the scent and the soothing sound of the wind take me to

my space.

Deimos was sitting under an oak tree. It had surprised me at first, how much Alora’s space had resembled my own, only I had a running river instead of a koi pond, and an oak tree instead of a willow. I was now sitting in front of him, our gazes met, his eyes were the same violet as Alora’s, her wolf and sprite also having the

same eye color.

Our eldest daughter was missing, but Damien had said she was alive. We had to find a way to connect to her ourselves, so we could hopefully help her out. Deimos and I started to search for her life chain, she was alive, that meant her chain was still connected, it was just hidden at the moment.


After Deimos and I searched for what felt like hours, we finally found Alora’s chain. Her chain was covered in a black mass, it coated her links till they were completely hidden from sight. Using our fire we were able to burn away the black mass coating Alora’s chain.

I felt a sense of relief knowing she was alive, but on the heels of the relief came sorrow. Even though we found and cleaned her life chain, there was still something that blocked us from reaching out to Alora through that chain.

“At least we now know she’s alive.” Deimos said aloud, although I could here that he was not quite satisfied with just knowing she was alive.


“Your right…that’s at least something.” I replied to him, my voice soft and heavy with my own pain.


As Deimos and I watched her chain, something happened. It suddenly turned blood red, then orange fire flashed over the chain. When the fire settled, it left behind intricate knots that seemed carved into the chain now. Albra had activated the spell I had given her, before she left for home and taken from her mate.

“She’s activated the spell.” Deimos said aloud, he had a frown on his face.

“She would have only done this if she had no other choice.” I told him, worry and anger over what our daughter was suffering in my voice.

“Then whoever she’s using this on, deserves what she’ll do to them.” Deimos said, a growl entering his voice.

“Agreed.” I growled.


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