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Werewolf’s Heartsong novel Chapter 175

Master Brock had a sad expression on his face. “Everyone in the Pack has been affected, those that didn’t put much effort into training are now training harder than ever, the frivolous have become serious, the lazy motivated, the serious even more so. His words were soft.

“I didn’t expect my abduction to cause such a huge change in our Pack.” Alora said.

“Alora says she didn’t expect her abduction would cause such a huge change in our Pack.” I told Master Brock.

“Why wouldn’t she expect that, she’s not just a Clan Alpha, she’s the future Alpha of our Pack.” Master Brock said in an agitated tone. Then he froze, and his head turned quickly to look at me with a complicated expression.

“Alora broke through the spell that was keeping us from being able to talk and feel each other, but that’s all.” I told him.

Master Brock sat down and he looked at me, a look of pain on his face. “Alora, how is she?” he asked in a choked voice,

Master Sam came running over with a worried look on her face, when she got to her mate, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. Pulling his face to her chest. “What’s wrong?” she asked in a worried voice.

“Tell him to give me a bit, but his student has surpassed the Master. I’ll be back in no time to prove it.” Alora said.

I chuckled. “Alora is holding her own, she says the student has surpassed the Master and will be home in no time to prove it.”

Hearing this Master Brock let out a hoarse sounding laugh. “That cheeky brat, I’ll have to show her what her Master can do when she gets home.” He said.

“Thank the Goddess.” Master Sam said in an emotional voice.

“You’re here to talk to Matt right?” Brock asked

“Yeah.” I said.

“Good, now that you can talk to Alora, this makes things that much easier. Brock said in a serious tone.

“Do you know what this is all about?” I asked him, my tone curious.

“I’m the one that told him he needed to go ahead and talk to you.” He said. “The Goddess has been sending him messages in his dreams, and I think yo hear them.”

This surprised me, why would the Goeldess be sending messages to Matt that involved me? Instead of asking this question I decided to trust Brock’s judgment that † needed to listen to what he had to say myself. With that thought in mind I asked Master Brock to stop Darien and Matt.

Master Brock and Master Sam went down, it took them a moment to get their attention, but Darien and Matt finally stopped their training match and were led up to me. I took the time to observe Matt, he was no longer the pup I knew, nor was he the male he was while under Sarah’s control.

His body was bulkier than it was before, his blond hair was nearly white it was so light now, and his skin had darkened in the sun with his long hours of training. There was a seriousness in his eyes now, and sorrow. He seemed to have something heavy burdening his soul.

Looking at him, I opened up my other senses, and that’s when I looked at his string of fate. His mate was coming soon, and it looked like they were already connected in a deep way, his string was thick, and it was laced with gold. Looking at his aura and seeing the shining silver outline, I could see that he has indeed been touched by the Moon Goddess.

I was right to trust in Master Brock’s judgement. Darien had gone through changes too, he carried sorrow in his aura, he had also bulked up as well, looking more and more like my twin everyday instead of my little brother. His power was solidly Alpha level, he was now more than strong enough to be the Moonstars Clan Alpha.

1 felt Alora’s concern and worry over Darien’s changes. She felt impressed, but saddened it had come about because of what happened to her. “Mate, his smile is missing.” she said, I could hear Xena’s whine and Selena’s small whimper.

That’s right, Darien always had a bright and happy smile for her. “It’s alright mate, he smile again once he knows you’re definitely alive. I told her soothingly.

Zane let out a sort of purring growl, trying to offer them comfort with this sound. He sent them the feelings of his fur brushing up against them through our bond. 1 finished my observation of them and their new power before I spoke.

“I have some good news before we get into what Matt has to talk to me about.” I told them. They nodded, but stayed silent, their faces remained expressionless, but their eyes flashed with their curiosity.

I looked at Darien first, glaring at him a little. “My Starlight’s heart hurts seeing you so sad. She wants to see you smile.” I may be just a little jealous over that, but I refused to admit it out loud.

A stunned and confused expression now showed on my little brother’s face. “Bro…what are you saying.” Darien said, a hopeful note in his voice.

Matt looked at me with the expression of hope, he seemed to be able to accept and process my words better than my brother. “Last night, Alora was able to break through part of the Black Magic Spells that have been keeping us from being able to talk and feel each other’s emotions.”

Darien sat down abruptly on the bench in front of me, Matt let out a sound of relief and a breathy sounding “Thank the Goddess she’s still alive.” This I happened to agree with whole heartedly.

“Tell Darien I won’t ever admit to being a coffee snob unless he smiles for me.” Alora demanded.

“Coffee snob?” I asked her, sensing something behind that.

“I’ll tell you about it later, Just say it.” She said impatiently, sending over the image of her slapping me on my shoulder in annoyance.

I chuckled, but decided it was best to just do as she said. Besides, indulging her in this way was all I could do till I was able to bring her home. I passed on her words to Darien, it took him a moment to process what I was saying. Then he was throwing back his head and laughing.

I felt Alora’s satisfaction at his reaction, her worry over him dissipating a little with his laughter. Matt had a half mile on his face as he watched Darien laugh till tears fell. It took him a bit to sober up, wiping his eyes, he looked at me with a smile.

“How is she, what’s happening on her end?” Darien asked in a shaky voice.

“Tias Sarah done anything to her?” Matt asked me.

“She’s locked up in a prizon of some sort, she can’t detect a smell that would be unique to her area, and I can’t find her location with our bond. Sarah has not been able to touch her, and she ha: activated spells that would make it hard for them to do something to her.” I told them in a calm voler.

The tension was still present in them, but there was tellel as well. I let it sink in for them for a moment. “With that out of the way.” I said, looking up to meet Matt’s

eyes directly. His expression turned serious and focused when he was met with my gaze. “We can talk about your matter with the Moon Goddess.”

Matt sat down on the bench next to Darien, and with a grim expression he told me everything. Alora was listening to everything he said through me, and I felt what she was feeling. That’s how I knew our Clan was about to adopt a sister Clan, and our Pack would be welcoming a new Clan.

“Clan Alpha Rain Heartsong Soulfire…I like the sounds of that, and having a sister Clan would be nice, we have the resources to adopt them and provide for them easily.”


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