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Werewolf’s Heartsong novel Chapter 177

Chapter 177

Alora’s POV

There was the sound of a chain breaking with each spell we undid. Looking at the chemical compounds of the tranquilizer, even though they had been adjusted, I was able to easily process the drugs. Soon we were no longer trapped, we were free, and furious.

I opened my rage filled eyes in time to see Sarah standing over me screaming as she thrust down. The blade was aimed at my uterus, just as the blade was about to meet flesh. The protective spell surrounding my pups activated and the resulting force tossed Sarah back and out of my cell. I heard a sickening crack, and then a thump.


I rolled over, and struggled to my feet, swaying with light headedness. I stumbled forward a few steps before I was able to walk properly, with only a slight limp. I looked at Sarah, there was a flash as the light caught on something around Sarah’s neck. I focused my slightly blurry vision on the shiny object.. 6

I remembered what it was just as they came into view, my rings. I laughed out loud, startling myself with how much loathing was in my laugh. It shouldn’t surprise me to feel this way about Sarah. She had long ago crossed my bottom line, I no longer had even one ounce of mercy for this female.

My walk over to Sarah took on a predatory feel to it, if someone saw, I imagine they would have seen a hunter stalking its prey. Because that was what Sarah was to me now, prey. The moment I reached her I ripped the chain off her neck, leaving bloody lines behind.

With the rings in one hand I used my other to draw the chain out and whip it in the direction of Sarah. The chain hit Sarah in the face and left a long and bloody gash down the side of one cheek, from her eye to her chin. I put the rings on my thumbs, and I felt them connect with me. Not wanting to have them taken from me again, I said the spell that had them becoming tattoos on my skin.


The sun set, and my regalia became tangible, the rings as well, but they were no longer able to be removed. Like the regalia, if anyone tried to take the items off me, the items would turn back into the state of a tattoo on my skin. I ran the fingers of one hand through my star laden braids. I felt strength start to fill me again.

Just then, the three Witches who had been helping Sarah rushed in. The looks on their faces as they skidded to a halt and saw me awake, and out of my cell, were hilarious with varied expressions of horror. Me on the other hand, I was delighted, my prey had just come running to me. I felt my lips stretch into a predatory grin that exposed my fangs.

The fear on the Witches faces let me know just how scary I was being at the moment. Around me, all seven rings of the rotating mandalas of Blood Harvest glowed red under my feet. The Witches were instantly frozen in my fifth ring, the seventh ring being out passed the open door of the prison.

The red glow caused the area to darken, lending a sinister quality to the atmosphere. Sarah’s body was lit up in the glow, but I didn’t plan to drain her dry, I had plans for her. The Witches, realizing they couldn’t move, and knowing what was about to happen, started to cry and beg. 5

I was deaf to every bit of it. “I don’t think you three understand.” I said to them in a slow icy cold drawl, pausing a moment to let those words sink in before continuing. “I have absolutely no mercy for you.” Their expressions of fear on their faces shifted to horrified realization. “You never should have crossed my bottont line.”


The Witches never got a chance to say another word of begging, because as soon as Alora finished talking, their screams of agony sounded in the prison as they were painfully sucked dry of all their blood. Sarah woke up when the screams started, she looked down and realized she was in my power circles.


Sarah let out a horrified scream, got up and stumbled outside before collapsing just outside my seventh circle. Sarah, no longer able to stand, started to crawl away while screaming and crying. The Witches stopped screaming, only because they lost the ability, a few more moments and they were dead.

With the new influx of power from this feast, I transformed into our Kitsune form. I put Blood Harvest to sleep, and activated my Kitsune fire. Some of the purple flames, swirled in one inch circlets around my regalia’s wrist and ankle cuffs. Behind me, the rest of my flames, in a circle larger than my body, formed eighteen balls of purple fire.

Our bushy tail was long enough to touch our ankles in this form. It was swishing side to side at a slow, and slightly hypnotic pace. Each time it went too far one direction, it would curl at the end, before slowly going back the other way. The walk out the door of the prison was of a leisurely stalking predator.


One that already knew that its prey was unable to escape its grasp, but there was no need to rush the final attack. This predator could take its time if it so chose. Starlight had her hands clasped behind her back, it almost made her look playful. Stepping out of the prison I looked up, I could see the barrier that was keeping my mate from being able to find our direction.


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