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Werewolf’s Heartsong novel Chapter 19


Chapter 19

Jaxon’s POV

I’m just sitting in my seat, resting, I’m hurting from my battle with Alora. Her wolf Xena kicked my wolf Bruno’s ass. Bruno whines in my head, I chuckle. “What are you whining for?” I ask him. “I can’t believe I lost to a female.” he whines. I chuckle “We lost to the Alpha of all Alpha Females, Bruno, she’s special, I think I would be honored to serve as her Beta.” he’s silent for a moment. “The Alpha of all Alpha females, Beta to that title would be an honor.” he finally said. I settle back, happy and at peace.

Bruno settles down now, content now with the results of the battle. My phone dings with a notification. I look and its an urgent e-mail through ‘the student message board. I open

the e-mail, its from the Principal, I’m to meet the Alpha at the pack house tomorrow at ten to discuss a career opportunity. Suddenly Bruno and I are excited and can’t wait for tomorrow to be here.

Matt’s POV

Today is the worst fucking day of my life. To start off with rejecting my mate and being rejected in return. Which broke the spell a sachet of herbs Sarah had given me under the guise of it being made to ward off evil. Ha! Ward off evil my furry ass. It allowed evil to manipulate me for the last six years! It explained why I’d been ignoring Aries. And it’s what made me make the biggest mistake any wolf could ever make. Rejecting their mate.

I wanted to howl in despaire at the wrong done to us. Sarah is pure Evil. Withant tha All


Without the spell I would have been working all this time to be the wolf that truly deserved a female like Alora. There was nothing we could do now, we lost our chance. Hell. Sarah had made sure I never had that chance. I swear to the Moon Goddess if she ever see’s fit to bless me with another mate I wouldn’t allow anything, not a damn thing to get in my way claiming her.

I may not deserve a second chance mate. But Aries did, none of this was his fault. It was all mine, for not being strong enough to withstand a spell sachet. My father told me that the satchet carried a layering spell. Which meant over time the more I was exposed to it, the stronger the spells effect on me. It was the shattering of my mate bond, an even stronger magic, that had broken the



But that was a small consolation. Compared to what it was the small, seemingly harmless, packet of herbs had cost me. That she-wolf needed to be held accountable. My father said I can bring charges against her. And I think I will. Now that the fog was lifted I realized there were allot of things I’d seen that spoke of her evil.

She liked to hurt people. I’ve been remembering some of the things I heard her tell her friends. They all would laugh about who she hurt and how. Those three were just as evil as she was. Then I pause, or were they? Now that I think about it. Those three come from good loving families. Maybe they had sachets themselves? The only way to find out was to ask them. Sarah was going to be with her parents immediately after we’re released for the lunch break. Maybe I can catch the three girls on there way


out. 2

So my father doesn’t worry I text him. I tell him my theory and my plan. It’s a simple plan really. Ask them if Sarah ever gave them a packet of herbs they were told to keep on them. That’s all my dad had asked me. My dad texts me back. He tells me he’ll wait nearby where I’m going to try and stop them, so he can keep an eye on me in case something happens.



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